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I realized how damaged i am and it's going to take the life of me to get up again.

I am NOT here to complain about my life problems like the thousand time before.

just feel that my time is slowly ticking and it's my time to go.

All the recent deaths recently made me think maybe it's best i prepare myself

to get out this world the way you suppose to go.

I am not happy, and many of you pretty much know my story.

Just life has bruised me so deep inside that this pain has to go.


Only thing that's in the way from doing it.

I haven't decided YET how to take my life.

Most likely, prescription overdose would be

how i choose to leave. I just want to fall asleep and never wake up.

That's my ticket out of this life!

My depression been going on for at least 2 years untreated.

I don't see living any longer with it.

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I don't know your story but I beg you please do not give up. I m near to tears reading your post and wish I could reach out to you and help. Talk offload anything if it helps please x I will pray for you x


Debbie, i promised you i am trying with all the breathe inside of me.

Believe me when i tell you i am hurting inside.

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Have you taken any steps towards healing yourself - yet?

Have you sought therapy? Read any self-help books?

I would recommend books that help you change your perception about yourself and life.

or anything that might give you some exercises to help you to help yourself a little more.

Life is tough but how we choose to get through it, is within our control.

You must try and get the help you need medication , therapy. . . . .

But if you make some effort to get the professional help you need , I think you would be surprised at how much better you may feel.


If you dont want to - of course that is your choice too.

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I feel like killing myself too. And Im getting help for my depression, just haven't found the right medicine though. I've even thought of ways to do it. What stops me is the pain I know Id cause my family. Don't do it JoJoStar, try to get treated first. There are numerous ways you can get help, even help for free.

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So is there anything I can do to help you ? U r an important person I hate to think of you suffering.do you have a pet a family member or anything no matter how small that you can focus on ? Perhaps medication may help. Just don't give up I ve read loads of your posts and you sound lovely. I feel blessed that our paths have crossed. I will continue to pray for you and you will be in my thoughts x

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So is there anything I can do to help you ? U r an important person I hate to think of you suffering.do you have a pet a family member or anything no matter how small that you can focus on ? Perhaps medication may help. Just don't give up I ve read loads of your posts and you sound lovely. I feel blessed that our paths have crossed. I will continue to pray for you and you will be in my thoughts x




It's not so much not able to focus. I just been through so much and still have so much going on.

Thank you for your kind words. I really appreciate that.

Yeah, i just a tough life and this journey seem like it getting crazier.

But....I am trying i will at least say that.

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