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How To Make My Best Friend More Than A Friend


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So, this girl and I have been really close as friends for about 6 months now. We talk every day about pretty much anything and everything. When we first became friends she had a boyfriend and I had feelings for her only as a friend, but time passed and we kept spending a lot of time together and my feelings for her grew. She is going away to school accross the country, but I want to tell her how I really feel because I may not have another opportunity for a while. I am visiting her before she leaves to school and I was thinking of telling her before I left on my last day. I don't know how I should go about it besides being direct and telling her how I feel. My biggest worry is it will ruin our friendship and I couldn't stand to do that, but I have to know. All of my friends think she does have feelings for me, but I doubt it. I just need some opinions about what I should do. Thanks.

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You tell her. Clearly you want to have a sexual relationship with her. That is what separates friends from SOs. If she says no then forget the friendship. You would only be torturing yourself anyway. If you aren't good enough for her to have sex with then she isn't worth your time and friendship. Harsh approach, yes. It will give you clarity and a defined path for the future. Go for it. Do it today or tomorrow at the latest.

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Sometimes it's good to have that bond with somebody. Seems like you real value her friendship i wouldn't push the issue. Girls know if there going to have sex with somebody right away trust me. I've never dated any of my close girlfriends always separate the two. Had chances but they were with my friends bad idea. Just don't go out there and go for it. It may make things very awkward.

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What is your true intent? If she is going accross the country with no possibility of a relationship - are you wanting to declare your feelings now because she is someone that is unavailable at that point? Or to burden her? or to "tag" her before she leaves so she won't date anyone? And are you comfortable with not dating anyone with her so far away?


I would see if there is enough of a connection to sustain a friendship accross the miles. But really, if you have feelings, you can't be friends.

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