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I broke up with my girlfriend roughly 7 months ago and I knew it was a mistake from the moment it happened. It wasn't a bad break up, she wouldn't talk to me for a while after because she was trying to get over me her, friends told me this. I tried to get her back again but she was afraid I would hurt her again. Now she's started seeing someone new and I don't know what to do? I've had opportunities to move on but I don't want to be with anyone else because I love her. I know deep down she probably still has feelings for me but should I try to forget about her or wait?

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She's moved on and you need to move on. You don't know if she still has feelings or not.


The truth is nothing you do or say can make her come back to you. You have to try and move on with your life as best you can. You may want her back, but if she's moved on it doesn't look likely.


I know it hurts and your sad but you need to let go of the idea of reconcilation.

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Think of it this way. if she was meant to be with you as a lifemate then you would not have broken up with her. There is a girl out there that you were meant to spend the rest of your life with and you wouldn't dare let her go so get on with doing the metal exercises you need to do to accept that you did indeed make the right choice so that you can get to the stage of indifference to your ex so you'll be totally open to meeting your furture mate.


No wasting anymore time on "what-ifs" that's just being totally unproductive to your own happiness.

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