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Tiny cobblestone-like bumps on forehead that will not go away

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(Picture included)....I've had these for years and nothing I do seems to help. Some are red and others match my skin-tone. They are never pus-filled and my skin just has a bumpy texture to it. I already have mild acne elsewhere on my face but not these tiny bumps. I've tried proactiv, exfoliants, face masks, stayed away from sodas and juice, etc. I wash my face and hair regularly and I don't know what else to do. I am now seeking vitamins/ supplements for skin. I don't know if its a form of acne, just hormones, oily skin or a combination of them all.


I can't afford a dermatologist so that's out of the question. I guess I'm just seeking if anyone else has this and what other remedies I can use/try. Here's a pic. This is embarrassing but you guys have been very helpful to me in the past. Thanks

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hate to break it to you, but those forehead bumps were only fixed by cleaning up my diet! The acne on my chin, temples, cheeks, body went away with benzoyl peroxide and tea tree oil, but the forehead ones did not budge until after making dietary adjustments - most notably cutting back on milk, sugar, carbohydrates.

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That could be something called folliculitis, which is not acne. I know about this because recently, like overnight, had a breakout of these bumps similar to yours, and this never happens to me, not even when I get a break out from trying new products my skin hates, so I've been doing some reading. I read people who take antibiotics long term may get it, and I was on antibiotics for three weeks last month. Anyway, folliculitis is going to be caused by certain bacteria or fungal infection. Since you've had it for years, it would be worth it to save your money and see a dermatologist and get a biopsy.


I've been applying tea tree oil topically (diluted with water) and started using Dial antibacterial soap on my face since three days ago, it's helping it. I also picked up a potent probiotic supplement, which is supposed to restore the healthy bacteria in you that helps fight yeast (which feeds fungal infection), so I hope that helps too. I just started taking a multivitamin and like 2,000 mg of Vitamin C. And I read that eating raw garlic helps fight the stuff that causes folliculitis (if that's what I even have). I think I read at least two cloves a day is the minimum to eat if you do that.

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Thank you all for the input. Have stopped eating candy and drinking soda cold turkey about six months ago and I have been drinking water for the most part. Sometimes I have nectar, milk or soy milk. I have noticed a difference in the other parts of my face and will break out mildly around my period. The forehead bumps just won't budge. Sometimes it will clear for a few days and then reappear. Im curious about using the tea tree oil, but I have oily skin so I think that will make the problem worse. I will start using the peroxide to see if that helps.

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