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my story plz help


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hi im new here.. basically I just want to talk bout things really and see what other ppl think about what I have to say...


iv been with my partner for 3 years.. it was great.. but last oct we moved into our 1st home together.. even tho we lived at his mums b4 that, the thing is he just spends all his spare time on the xbox! he does shifts which are 2.30-11.30pm one week then 6am-2.30 the next... litrally the time hes at home hes on xbox... we don't spend any proper time together.. or do anything together.. we never have sex kiss or just cuddle any more.. iv told him about this so many times but he just says im tryin to stop him palyin it... I get he likes it and it chills him out after work but y does he need to play it so much?! I feel like we r falling apart and its only me that can see it..

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no he has played on computers since I met him.. but its only been since we moved intogether that its became constant. I don't want to stop him all together just want him to see tht its effecting us... we broke up over it and he moved bk to his mums for a week told me he would pay more attention to us etc but nothing changed

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no he has played on computers since I met him.. but its only been since we moved intogether that its became constant. I don't want to stop him all together just want him to see tht its effecting us... we broke up over it and he moved bk to his mums for a week told me he would pay more attention to us etc but nothing changed


He very rarely does. And if you were to leave him again, he would make the same empty promise.

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ino, I don't want to loose him but its not a relationship is it?


Not quite as good as the one he has with his game and the people online. What exactly is there to lose? A boy who would rather live in a fantasy world than have sex with his girlfriend?

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wen hes off the xbox we get on great.. but its very rarely.. I just don't know.. I don't wana break up over an xbox coz sounds pretty sad


You wouldn't be breaking up because of xbox. You would be breaking up because he has chosen to spend all his time on xbox and you are not getting what you need from the relationship.


No one is sticking a gun to his head and forcing him to spend all his time on there. He is CHOOSING xbox over you

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Yeah he can't have his cake and eat it too. Why should he get to have fun on his games, ignore you etc until he feels like giving you a bit of attention? thats no way for you to live.


He sounds almost addicted to this gaming and fantasy world. He is choosing it over you. I wouldn't accept that.

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My dear, a man cannot serve two masters at the same time its either he hates one and love the other or the other way round. I think he has made his choice its left for you to accept or refuse. Let him know that its either you or xbox .

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yeah ino have tried talking it thru but he just don't understand.. just says its his "me time" which I no every1 needs at some point... but defo cant carry on like this


Really? Then he is not ready to make you first in his life. Definitely you can't carry on like this. It is time for you to move.

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yeah ino have tried talking it thru but he just don't understand.. just says its his "me time" which I no every1 needs at some point... but defo cant carry on like this


He knows exactly what he's doing, and will continue to do just that, as long as you stand by him. I would make it clear that if he can't solve this in an adult manner, the relationship is over.


Say what you mean, and mean what you say, otherwise he'll never take you seriously.

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I don't wan to leave him coz I do love him...just doesn't seem that simple to just end it? we have a place together having all this new stuff fitted next week etc.. ino I cant just stay coz of that but other than us breakingup is there another solution?? deep down I no there aint.....

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