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public message website


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does anyone know of a united kingdom or northern ireland based/visited website that displays messages written by users with the intention of the person they were written for or someone that knows them to read it......?

Like say of you wanted to declare that you liked someone or apologise for coming on too strong or for going about things the wrong way when you tried to ask someone out and you needed a way of letting them know/hoping they find out by reading it......

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The trouble with that sort of thing is that unless they contact you as a result of reading it, you will never know for sure whether they've read it or not, so you will just be replacing your current torture with a different kind of torture.


Far better to bite the bullet and phone/email/text/write.

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The trouble with that sort of thing is that unless they contact you as a result of reading it, you will never know for sure whether they've read it or not, so you will just be replacing your current torture with a different kind of torture.


Far better to bite the bullet and phone/email/text/write.


Write is the only possible option on that list at the minute but i have already freaked her out so that would only add to things

i suppose posting something on a website would be even worse!

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Write is the only possible option on that list at the minute but i have already freaked her out so that would only add to things

i suppose posting something on a website would be even worse!


I think writing is a lot less melodramatic than putting something on a Website, plus at least you know it'll reach her.

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How did you meet this person?


That, right there, is the problem. I have never had the chance to speak to her face to face. We have seen each other before, like just in passing, but i was always too afraid to say anything to her, plus i was never emotionally ready for anything to start, nor probably mature enough. I probably still aren't. I just recently decided to do something as i pictured her meeting another guy and me sitting there, chance blown for fear, her never knowing. Guess i don't need to worry about that now!


I only know her through friends that are friends with/know her, the fact she is effectively a neighbour and the fact that her dad knows my dad.

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