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What do you all think about hugs? Girls hug all of the time and no one ever says anything... what about guys? Is it normal? I mean you see it all the time just like tonight when I was at the basketball game. You see all of these girls hugging and saying "I love you" to eachother. So can guys do it to? No one ever calls the girls gay but they say it to the guys. Really christian people hug, and they'll hug everybody.


Just curious about what everyone thinks.

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i love hugs, whether im hugging a girl friend of mine or one of the guys. I think its cute when guys give each other the "guy hugs." i dont consider them to be any less of a man/guy b/c they hug. like you said, girls hug all the time and no one says anything about it.

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yeah, i just think its weird cuz no one ever says anythign to them.... nowadays girls grab eachothers butt... but would a guy dare do something like that? lord no! lol... well i take that back, there are a lot of guys who do it... and the seem to be the more "cooler".... hmm , but I really dont act like that towards anyone cuz of my parents. They are about 50 and grew up "back in the day" and think all of that stuff is strange.

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im not gay and but my friends say i have alot of gay tendencies i mean i joke around alot.. this might sound weird but my friend was like bent over and i just like smacked his ass... i dont really know why i guess i thought itd be funny.. he stands up and goes "NO JUST NO" with bulging eyes i think i just like to watch the reaction because guys are like ahh dont touch me im so straight that touching isnt allowed.. I would never go near a dick and the thought of it disgusts me or like holding hands affectionatly with a guy is really gay or like the thought of kissing or cuddling with a dude grosses me out.. but this one time me and my friends are out in the woods and its pitch dark and we cant see were we are going thenm we hear footsteps of like something large (you know when you can hear something large coming towards you) so me and my friend start running and just happened to grab each others hands so like we wouldnt lose each other.. i dont think its gay depending on how you do it..

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just like walkin up to someone , like a really close or best friend and giving him a hug? wut about that? i mean.... people sing our school sond "the ammamateur" and the guys in the back all walk down the hallways hugging eachother. they are good friends.

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i guess its ok to hug as friends. Girls do these stuff (holding hands, hugging) with each other because its just their nature. Ppl see it as a norm because girls are the more 'gentle' type and guys are considered more 'tough'... guys wouldnt wanna do anything to embarrass themselves or look weak infront of others. must be the ego lol.. i think thats the reason why. For me, it feels a little weird if its just a normal friend hugging me in front of others, a brotherly kinda way would suffice. In basketball games though, butt-smaking seems to be ok all these while. Its been a norm on the court when u've made a shot or something (encouragement). Thats what i think though

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what about more of a "best friend" type of "friend" ? I really think its dumb that guys have to be so "macho" and i realize that because when guys think they are macho they dont share feelings. Then this builds up and causes friendship problems.... so I dont see why they cant hug and be a little more friendly. Plus this "machoness" causes them to treat other people badly sometimes thinking that the other person is supposed to jut toughen up and take it.

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I rarely see guys hugging. I think it's more common for guys to do the back slap/hand shake sorta deal. It's just sorta a more 'cool' way of acknowledging friendship..


My boyfriend hugged his best friend when he was leaving for another country..situations like that I can see. Guys tend to hug when it's a really emotional moment (i.e. perhaps your best friend just broke up with his girlfriend & needs comfort or someone close died) but they won't do it so casually and often, like girls. And I'm not sure if it's rooted in their nature or social norms. I think hugging by guys is still sorta frowned upon..people might think they're gay or more feminine.

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Well... This girl's father,I like, is always hugging me and telling me he loves me and stuff. I know he's not gay..... He just likes me and expresses it. Besides... he is a very caring person. So I don't think it matter when a guy hugs someone older (male) in this sutuation. Maybe if you just go and hug a stranger it would look... very weird...

Another thing is that we are living in new times now... Long time ago hugging between men it was a normal thing. Not anymore...

Hope that was something... 8)

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If a friend is bailing for a while...a hug and a pat on the back...no harm done. If I bump into friends that I haven't seen for a while..then we just do like a half hug and bump chests. I don't do this with all my friends...just the certain ones because it shows respect after not seeing them for a while.


Ok but guys should not be hugging each other and crying or rubbing their butts or anything like that. Thats out of hand. Plus your girls father should not be touching you like that. As far as touching other guys butts...not good. Do that to a girl you may get slapped, do that to a guy you may get your butt handed to you.



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I just lost some body very close to me through some stupidity stuff.,...


I feel as if hugs are a show of affection...Guy or girls...


ThiNk=- if a friend of urs died and u never actually bonded with hugs and sayin i love you...Would you feel very good about it After the news breaks>


I didn't think so...Guys are just so much about their egoa nd what others think ,. that they can't even be there selves to their closest friends

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