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Boyfriend Facebook "liking" another girls picture.


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I don't think it's a big deal, but if it will be on your mind then just ask him who she is. If he immediately gets defensive then I'd start paying attention to those kind of details. It's probably nothing though. I'm learning that if you keep little questions like this in, eventually they will compile and you'll start questioning everything. Just don't be accusative when you approach him.

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Maybe he thought she looked nice too? It's okay to think other people are attractive when you're in a relationship, it's human nature... I would be concerned if he's going around and liking ALL of her pictures..but one picture, in my opinion, isn't a big deal.

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Just a thought:

Is there a difference between someone "liking" someone's photograph and this same person walking up to someone and saying he/she thinks they look "whatever". (Fill in the blank). Is it somehow "less" because all the "liker" had to do was click, and a description wasn't articulated. I mean, personally, I'd have to know someone pretty well before I'd tell them that they look good - you usually save that for closer friends and family (or someone you'd like to get to know better, wink wink) so is a facebook "like" any different?


I don't know either.

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When my ex came back from being on holiday, her stirring drama queen of a sister decided to tell her that i liked a picture of a girl ( an old friend who i had no romantic or sexual ties with whatsoever ). Just a picture of her before she was heading out. I got angry because i felt like i was being spied on and the way which my ex asked me, confronting me about it over text, so i told her to "f*** off". Not one of my best moments but it got to me!


Personally it wouldnt bug me, but if its getting to you, then why dont you just ask him? "Who was the girls picture you liked the other day? i loggod on facebook and it popped up. She's pretty" or something. Maybe even ask how he knows her? I used to like hearing stories my ex told me about people she knew

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Is there a difference between someone "liking" someone's photograph and this same person walking up to someone and saying he/she thinks they look "whatever". (Fill in the blank). Is it somehow "less" because all the "liker" had to do was click, and a description wasn't articulated. I mean, personally, I'd have to know someone pretty well before I'd tell them that they look good - you usually save that for closer friends and family (or someone you'd like to get to know better, wink wink) so is a facebook "like" any different?


Yes. You're liking the photograph and/or the fact that they chose to post it on Facebook - and, incredibly, there are many reasons somebody could like a photograph other than thinking the person in it is hot!

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Maybe I sound childish but I don't think it's too childish since I haven't brought it up to him seeing as its most likely nothing. And yes mrb like you, the picture was of the girl before going out so I don't see any reason besides thinking she's pretty, for him to like the photo.

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Maybe I sound childish but I don't think it's too childish since I haven't brought it up to him seeing as its most likely nothing. And yes mrb like you, the picture was of the girl before going out so I don't see any reason besides thinking she's pretty, for him to like the photo.


Perhaps he just liked the picture. It doesn't need to mean he has a romantic interest in her. You just admitted yourself its probably nothing, but still it must be bothering you in some way. I would work on figuring out why something that you admittedly think is probably nothing is bothering you. I'm guessing a slight bit of jealousy is at the root.

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Maybe I sound childish but I don't think it's too childish since I haven't brought it up to him seeing as its most likely nothing. And yes mrb like you, the picture was of the girl before going out so I don't see any reason besides thinking she's pretty, for him to like the photo.


Wow. The OP is right on the money here and she did the right thing. Notice it and see if there is a pattern. The truth for many younger guys is that they are never 100% all in with their current relationship. It is a placeholder for the moment that makes them feel good and gives them access to intimacy, companionship and sex. They know in their hearts that this gf is probably not the one they will marry and in the meantime, there are a heck of a lot of women to experience.


So what they do is continue to low level search while enjoying the benefits of a current girlfriend. FB is perfect for this kind of scam. He can build a collection of "female friends" and exchange information, likes, hobbies, comments, etc. Nothing too obvious but enough to lay the groundwork.


This is the same dodge people use about exchanging phone numbers and texts with female "friends". If the current gf objects, she is being paranoid and immature. The next thing she knows, he is getting text messages at 2AM and he is taking his phone into the bathroom. I am sorry but if this guy is 100% into his girlfriend, then he doesn't need to be feeding the ego of some cute girl on FB unless there is a 2-degree point of connection: family friend, school colleague, etc.


How many people have been dumped only to watch their EX go straight to one of their "friends" and begin a new relationship. These opposite sex "friendships" are often nothing more than staging areas for unhappy partners to begin to assemble a pool of prospects for sex or future relationships.

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Something people in relationships have to realize is, your boy/girlfriend will find other people attractive. We ALL do it. It's human nature.


Think about it: Haven't you seen a guy randomly who you thought "He's cute" or some variation just as a passing thought? Just because you didn't "Like" his FB picture (if it was even ON Facebook) doesn't mean you didn't still find him attractive. But did it mean anything? No. Did you forget about it 2 mins later? Probably. The only difference is, your boyfriend hit "Like" so you KNOW he had the thought. It doesn't mean he's openly flirting or seeking other girls to fool around with.


If it bothers you, look for a pattern. If it continues, or gets worse, THEN say something. But right now, it's not a big deal.

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I had a similar situation with one of my exes. Not only did he liked the picture, but he also said, "WOW YOU LOOK HOT." Of course the idiot didn't think it would pop up in my feed. After I confronted him, he said that he was only doing that to "boost up her self esteem since she and her ex just broke up." After that, he went and hid all of his feed from me. This led to other arguments and made me so insecure and suspicious of him.


The point is, facebook ruins relationships. With my current boyfriend, we are not friends on facebook and life is just so much easier this way. I know that some people may not consider facebook shananigans are harmful, but some are because they cause petty arguments.

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I had a similar situation with one of my exes. Not only did he liked the picture, but he also said, "WOW YOU LOOK HOT." Of course the idiot didn't think it would pop up in my feed. After I confronted him, he said that he was only doing that to "boost up her self esteem since she and her ex just broke up." After that, he went and hid all of his feed from me. This led to other arguments and made me so insecure and suspicious of him.


So did you break up or stay together?

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I had a similar situation with one of my exes. Not only did he liked the picture, but he also said, "WOW YOU LOOK HOT." Of course the idiot didn't think it would pop up in my feed. After I confronted him, he said that he was only doing that to "boost up her self esteem since she and her ex just broke up." After that, he went and hid all of his feed from me. This led to other arguments and made me so insecure and suspicious of him.


The point is, facebook ruins relationships. With my current boyfriend, we are not friends on facebook and life is just so much easier this way. I know that some people may not consider facebook shananigans are harmful, but some are because they cause petty arguments.



facebook didnt ruin your relationship...your sketchy and sneaky ex did




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