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People that date someone that has kid/s and a good relationship with their mom ?


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Do you think it seems awkward when they talk about stuff about their kids in front of you, like the pregnancy, babies, aka just stuff thats probably not a big deal but makes you think you don't have a bond with your significant other like that because you don't have a child together? Or is it just jealousy? How do you deal with it? Thanks.

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Not at all, my gf has a child and a reasonably friendly relationship with the father. I hardly know the child but we talk about her a lot. Having said that, I've never wanted kids of my own so it doesn't bother me at all that the child's not mine.

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I don't know if it's "okay" I be bothered by that stuff or not...but I know that it does bother me. Then I realized I don't need other people's permission to feel bothered. If it bothers me, it bothers me. And if its a problem now, it'll always be a problem. So I told SO and he handled it. I have other, more serious issues with him though, so I know that after him, I will probably steer clear of single parents. I'm pregnant so maybe after having the baby I'll feel differently, but right now I am so fed up with the baby momma situation that 1. I do NOT want to ever deal with it again and 2. I will be VERY aware of how I treat SO and his future girlfriend(s) after this baby is born.

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