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So i have been having sex for a year and a half now and I have yet to experience a gspot orgasm (yes I have had clitoris) now sometimes when I am having sex I feel like I am about to pee, even if I have peed ten minutes before. I have heard that this could possibly mean I am close to orgasm but I dont really understand what I have to do..do I push out? Just have him keep doing it? Usually when I have the feeling its uncomfortable and I tell him to slow down or stop...if someone can help me out here, id appreciate it

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OK, since no "girls" have answered this I'll throw in my 2 cents based on my experience. When I was younger I dated (not even sure if you can call it dated) a much older woman and she taught me how to deliver a G-Spot orgasm. The "talent" has been invaluable for the past 20 years.


Now I can only provide advice/insight from the male perspective and from what feedback I've been given but it may be helpful. Yes, when you begin to feel like you're going to "pee" you are getting close. I find if I pick-up the pace, the orgasm is typically under a minute away. The uncomfortable feeling, I'm not sure what that is, I've never received that feedback. I think a woman is better "equipped" to provide insight on that.


It's interesting, most women have no idea or have never experienced that type of an orgasm and more often than not are shocked by their bodies reaction. Good luck!

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I hope you get an answer for this, because I remember a time this happened for me as well. I felt the peeing sensation was uncomfortable and asked my partner to stop.

(Now for me pure penetration is uncomfortable )

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Let yourself relax and tell your lover to keep it up.."oh that feels so good", then let the "G-Spot" orgasm go.. I hope you enjoy what you should be able to experience. Tip, put plastic down under the sheets to keep the bed from getting soaked. Veronnie2

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Hmm this is hard to explain. It's sort of like a pee sensation but not exactly the same. It feels like it but I know I'm not going to pee. It shouldn't feel uncomfortable. For me, I just relax and have my husband go faster and harder until it happens. I wouldn't say you need to 'push out' while it's happen but just relax the walls and let whatever may happen...happen.

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Well, we're all different in how it comes out in the end (no pun intended). Yes, we all agree (thus far) that it feels like you have to pee... that is when you DON'T tell your guy to stop but rather "keep going." If you have the urge to push then by all means push as the sensation increases. You'll know how well it worked by the spray and the very unique and wonderful completion.


Good luck.

I'll add that make sure you are completely aroused before he attempts any of this with you and that you are completely ready.

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So i have been having sex for a year and a half now and I have yet to experience a gspot orgasm (yes I have had clitoris) now sometimes when I am having sex I feel like I am about to pee, even if I have peed ten minutes before. I have heard that this could possibly mean I am close to orgasm but I dont really understand what I have to do..do I push out? Just have him keep doing it? Usually when I have the feeling its uncomfortable and I tell him to slow down or stop...if someone can help me out here, id appreciate it


I have that exactly same feeling during sex and when I'm being fingered. I think it's a gspot orgasm. It's difficult though, because you feel very self conscious when you think you're about to pee during sex. My boyfriend says I should just let go and let it happen but I really can't.


I think the reason it feels like you have to pee is because a lot of gspot orgasms result in "squirting", which comes from the same hole that you pee out of (sorry for being graphic!)

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xonicolemarie- from what I have been led to understand, the feeling that you have to pee means that the spot is being stimulated. Keep going.


This. My girl had never had a vaginal orgasm before being with me either. And she always felt the same way: That she was going to pee and some discomfort to a point where she'd want to stop. The feeling of needing to pee means it's working, as Natasha says in my next quote. The discomfort is probably a two-fold problem: 1. You're self-conscious because you think you're going to pee, causing you to hold back mentally, and 2. You're not relaxing and letting it come to you, instead trying to force it to work.


they say only 30% of women experience vaginal orgasms. Because of that, if you've never had one before, you don't know what to expect. You need to loosen up and just let go entirely. Try drinking (not much, but enough to get a buzz going) or smoking a little weed next time. Get to that happy buzz where you can relax and just let yourself be ravished. Then one time, just let it happen. From there out, it will be SO much easier for you. So much so to a point where my girl went from never having a vaginal orgasm to being an intense squirter (sorry if that's graphic when she's in the right frame of mind.


I have that exactly same feeling during sex and when I'm being fingered. I think it's a gspot orgasm. It's difficult though, because you feel very self conscious when you think you're about to pee during sex. My boyfriend says I should just let go and let it happen but I really can't.


I think the reason it feels like you have to pee is because a lot of gspot orgasms result in "squirting", which comes from the same hole that you pee out of (sorry for being graphic!)


Everything she just said is correct. And for that first time, the only way to cross that boundary is to just do it (but of course, when the time is right and you're in the right mental state). Once you get past the first one, it becomes RIDICULOUSLY easier.

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