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Getting a complex at the gym

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Guys..I have weighed myself again today and I haven't lost anything. Is this normal? A friend told me that if I am trying to lose weight while going to the gym I will lose cms but not lose lbs. Is that true?


I really want to see the scales go down a bit. I have been eating so much better compared to how I used to eat, I was hoping for more results.

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Are you taking measurements too? How are those looking?


Sometime the scale doesn't move but you can just tell things are happening. Either your body feels tighter, fitter, inches start to drop, clothes feel better, you feel better, something.


What positives have you noticed?

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Guys..I have weighed myself again today and I haven't lost anything. Is this normal? A friend told me that if I am trying to lose weight while going to the gym I will lose cms but not lose lbs. Is that true?


I really want to see the scales go down a bit. I have been eating so much better compared to how I used to eat, I was hoping for more results.

Progress takes time, and the time it takes to see progress requires commitment and dedication, regardless of what your goal is.


You've been doing this for what, a few weeks? No surprise that you're not seeing any appreciable changes yet. Keep self-motivated and keep at it.

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Yeah..I'll give it more time for sure..but I thought I'd lose a few lbs by now. That would motivate me immensely !


What positives have you noticed?


Mostly that I feel good for trying. I am doing something good for myself wanting to change my situation and that gives me a sense of pride. But that's about it.


I haven't measured myself. Maybe I've lost 1-2 kg or so.

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i thought i'd lose a few lbs by now


maybe i've lost 1-2 kg or so.

So have you lost weight or not?


Don't be discouraged if you haven't. Again, these things take time. But be honest with yourself and think of your "failure" as more motivation to continue. Also, use some digital scales when weighing yourself; analogue ones can report weights that are all over the place.

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I have a tailored jacket that I used for my 'weight scale/body toner' test. If it fits loosely and feels comfortable, I don't get crazy about working out. If it starts to bind and I feel like wrapped pork sausage then I cut out the sodas, sweets and breads for awhile. It works. Best not to go too long between fittings. Good luck.

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One thing to remember about focusing on your weight is that muscle is surprisingly heavy. When I started going to the gym about a year ago I was a bit flabby and I had just enough muscle to move myself. After a few months I'd visibly burned off quite a bit of fat, but I'd hardly lost any weight because my arm, chest and leg muscles had bulked up. According to the magical scales at the gym my approximate body fat percentage went from the upper end of "average" (bordering on "obese") to the bottom end (bordering on "fit"), but I'm practically the same weight as I was a year ago.

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