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Dream about the ex. Ugggggggggg

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I had been doing so good!!! Why do we have dreams and stuff. ? I wonder if its our subconscious missing them. Don't know......ugggggg. 12 hour workday today, and that was not the way to start it. I hardly ever dream about him. But the ones I do have, I remember.

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I know what you mean. I think it's just because no matter what happened between the two of you, they were still an important person in your life and it's not so easy to control your subconscious thoughts/desire for them (or at least the memory of them).


It sucks. It's a horrible way to start the day and completely starts you on the wrong foot, I know. I guess it's just one of those parts of breakups that are uncontrollable. As hard as it is you just have to try not to let it faze you too much. If it's any consolation, I can tell you they will almost definitely dream of you now and then too.

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Trust me...it could be worse. I had the same (theme) dream...about once a week for several months. It always involved me searching for her in a building full of people. I did a lot of research in an attempt to make the dreams stop...plus was a little worried they would haunt me forever.


I discovered these dreams are very common...and to your and Snow's point...deal with the fact you were probably around them so much and all of a sudden, they're not there anymore. In my case, I was always trying everything I could to save the relationship...fighting for every second of her time when she claimed she had none to give.


Eventually, my brain over-rode my heart and I let her go. The dreams continued for a couple more months and finally ceased after I read what mine implicated. I guess the realization gave me closure because they have stopped. I moved on...and my life is back to being great.


Hang in there!

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1 point, I love you mention that your brain over-rode your heart, I'm so waiting for that to happen.


In terms of the dreams, they're horrible, I keep having one where the girl I've just split with is hooking up with another guy who has been chasing her while we were together, even though he's not her type, but yea, just dreaming they are hooking up infront of me in this little pub that only me and her ever went to......so annoying, and never a good way to start your day!


I wish I could give you a solution gardnergirl but I suppose the are uncontrollable, we'll just have to sit it out

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Ex dreams suck. No matter what is happening in them. I've had dreams where I was happy and in love with him either in the past of currently- and those make me feel sad and miss him. I've had dreams where he was with other woman which have made me feel sick to my stomach. I've had dreams of his family which made me miss THEM. I've had dreams where he acted awful to me which made me angry and hurt. Its a lose lose no matter what you dream. Our minds are complex things. Even if we don't obsess over them anymore in our daily life somewhere in the back of our mind they are still there taking up space in our minds and it comes to the front on our dreams- the one place we don't have control over. They really do suck, I dream about my ex at least once a week.

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I absolutely hate this because when you wake up it just hits you like a ton of bricks.

It already hits you like a ton of bricks in the morning but when you have a dream about them, it just hurts so much more.

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Funny thing is.....in this one, he was with a woman named Alicia. That's not his new gals name......??? Go figure .....


LOL funny thing, I had a dream months after we broke up that he was with a girl named Portia. That wasn't even close to the name of the girl he dated after me, or anyone he's ever known. Heck I've never even known anyone named Portia. I work up like 'Portia? Huh?' lol the mind is a strange thing!

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Dreams are such a weird thing. They can creep up on you out of nowhere.

I have been doing so much better recently, and last night i went to bed early, because i've been so busy this week. It just so happens that i had some of the worst dreams i've had since the breakup. I mean they were BAD! I remember 2 of them.


The first one was of me going to my exes gig, and meeting his fiance, and threatening to kill her. then just asking her dumb questions about herself. Weird. Then i got angry and spied on them to see how close they were. They seemed very close. The anger was palpable, i actually woke up twice during this dream because i was so angry.

Then the 2nd dream was where i was explaining to friends and family about how betrayed i felt etc.

For whichever reason, the emotions were very realistic and i woke up in a sort of haze and feeling very down. All i had in my head was images of them both.

It is agony.


This happens every so many weeks. Not sure why. However, i like to tell myself it's just the healing process.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Just woke up from my nap and literally scared out of mind. Terrible dream with two of my exes in them, one just broke up the other 3 years ago. Dreamed that they broke up with one after another and I was so sad in the dream. There were some beautiful skyline in the dream and I cried that I won't be able to share it with him. I hate these dreams, brings me back to my first day of the break up, and I was doing so well.

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I have one dream about my ex since the BU that I remember. We decided to give it another try, and were lying in bed holding each other, and I went to kiss him, and he pulled away. I woke up and felt like I'd been punched in the gut...by a dream! I think I dream a lot about him though, because he's constantly on my mind during waking hours, and I haven't slept well in...ohmigosh, it's been 53 days. *sigh*

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I have one dream about my ex since the BU that I remember. We decided to give it another try, and were lying in bed holding each other, and I went to kiss him, and he pulled away. I woke up and felt like I'd been punched in the gut...by a dream! I think I dream a lot about him though, because he's constantly on my mind during waking hours, and I haven't slept well in...ohmigosh, it's been 53 days. *sigh*


I'm so sorry to hear this. I think waking up to the dreams is the worst. Sets a whole routine for the day and turns it into a vicious cycle. I'm currently 2 months since BU, and the dreams started 5 weeks ago. There have been three nights since then that I didn't wake up to a dream about her, and I noticed and was really happy to have a break. Came back though. They always wake me up around 6 oclock, and I can't get back to sleep because my heart is racing and the pit of depression and stress starts. If I wasn't seeing a counselor, I think I would lose my mind. And it's not fair that I'm sure she hasn't thought about me hardly a wink since BU and left me for another *exciting* new man. Last night I dreamed I couldn't find her anywhere and got worried, then I looked in her bed and found him with naked. I'm feelin' you on this subject.

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