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Text from female friend after being rejected


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A while ago I met a girl through a mutual friend. We went on a date and I liked her, but she wanted to be just friends.

So over the past couple of months we were texting all the time and started to get closer. I helped her with a lot of work related- and personal stuff. Eventually I told her I needed some space because I was starting to get feelings for her. She agreed, so then we had no contact for a couple of weeks. (By the way, she made it clear that she was totally not interested in me)


Recently we had contact. I texted her a few days ago to tell her I was fine again, but I didn't want her to see me as "one of the girls" and hear stories about her love life. She texted "glad to hear that you're doing okay."

I wanted to text her again today to ask about her work, but before I got the chance to do it she texted me first.

She just sent me out of the blue "so why can't I tell you that I had a date on Friday, and I had a really great time?"


Is it me, or isn't that a really weird thing to do? It almost felt mean/insulting. Even though I'm not in love with her, I don't want to hear about the guys that she does like.

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Text her back, "Only if I can tell you about the amazing, smoking hot lady I just took out first." See what she says. My guess is she's an attention w***** and won't like the idea of competition for her company. Seriously, you are better off than trying to be friends with someone who so clearly doesn't care about your requests or feelings, just about her.

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Thanks for the replies! Yeah I didn't think it was unreasonable of me to request something like that, just checking I'm probably not going to text her back, or just give her a short reply. Maybe she had a bad day and decided to take it out on me, or she just loves the attention and drama. I like the idea about "the smoking hot lady text", but that probably gives her the attention she wants.

I have no idea why else she would send me something like that, she can't be totally clueless.

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I have no idea why else she would send me something like that, she can't be totally clueless.


She's not clueless at all. She knows you like her and she wants to see if she has enough power over you that she can get you to come back to her even if she talks about other guys. She is definitely one of those mean girls that gets joy out of hurting others. Why that is I have no clue and neither do the thousands of psychologists, psychiatrist, scientists and other professions searching for an answer as to what screws up another human being like that. Your best bet, as you've said, is just to ignore her and block her from texting you. Short reply text would be a simple "I'm busy, later." Feigning boredom and disinterest is the next best thing to totally ignoring them, but I think you're better off to just ignore her.

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I ran into her, and she claims it was a test to see if I still had feelings for her. She also said that friends should be able to talk about anything.

If that's true then I think it was pretty immature of her to send it. I don't want to play "dating games" with her. If we really were friends, we should have just discussed it. She could also be lying and regret the text, however she didn't apologize or even seem remotely to be sorry. I actually had the impression that she thought she was doing me a favor. I think I'm going to let this "friendship" fade out.

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