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how many days without any contact is good?


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Well I have been dating a guy whom a mutual friend introduced us online. We have dated 2 times which were really good. We discovered we have lots of common interest, physical attraction and such. But he stopped calling&texting all of a sudden.


The 5th day, I texted him inviting to drink beer and he responsed right away and we set up a date immediately. And that night was good too but I also found out he had a bad breakup (her ex left him when he proposed to her saying she didn't love him at all) But we continued texting afterwards and he invited me to watch movies in his home. I had to go abroad so we postponed it to next weekend and again he stopped contacting. We didn't talk 6 days now.


I don't want to be pushy or the chasing one but I don't understand the situation. I know he has hard time with his work, working overtime and such but shouldn't he at least say hello, morning like he used to if he is interested in me? Should I text him again confirming our date (that I definitely I don't want to do). I know he will call a day earlier before our date to confirm but not being in touch with him make me wonder if I am just a rebound girl for him?

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I think I'm in the same situation, and I don't really know the answer to that (sorry). I got really sad when the guy suddenly stopped communicating with me (after almost 9 months) and I'm trying to do everything I can to get over it. I stumbled upon a book and I'm kind of following the advice for girls in that situation. It says that no matter how busy a guy is, he will have time to contact you if he's really into you. But if he's really not, he'll have all kinds of excuses. So, I guess the guy I really liked has lost interest in me. I'm also not the kind who would chase after a guy. Now I'm letting it go.

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I think I'm in the same situation, and I don't really know the answer to that (sorry). I got really sad when the guy suddenly stopped communicating with me (after almost 9 months) and I'm trying to do everything I can to get over it. I stumbled upon a book and I'm kind of following the advice for girls in that situation. It says that no matter how busy a guy is, he will have time to contact you if he's really into you. But if he's really not, he'll have all kinds of excuses. So, I guess the guy I really liked has lost interest in me. I'm also not the kind who would chase after a guy. Now I'm letting it go.


Makes sense.

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I've been through the same situation before. I was in constant communication with a guy but it suddenly stopped without me knowing the reason why. Later I just learned that he is already committed to another woman. ouch! Must be the same with you so watch out.

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Well I don't know if he is still in love with his ex or not, that is just my hunch. He texted me today but still I think the time that we didn't talk to each other is a long one. I think he has a physical attraction to me but not emotional one yet. Though I am wondering if could I expect to see such thing after the 3rd date? Or it is still to early to decide that just looking his actions? Maybe he specially wait for me to text him (playing hot&cold maybe?) or maybe he met another woman last weekend that could be true also as you said; but I know he went to a small metal music bar with his buddies so the chance is a little low i think...


the question on my side now is: should I ask him directly what is going on? I mean should i ask why he talked to me every day earlier and he stopped all of a sudden? Will he be annoyed?

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You cannot expect an emotional attraction before the 3rd date. You are dating -- and you went out of the country...and you made plans. Stop looking at the calendar and live your life.


Holy moly -- maybe this, maybe that. You have been on 3 dates!!!!! He doesn't "owe" you --- maybe he was waiting for you to text him...because you were out of town!!!!


You do not ask him "what is going on" --- unless you want this all to end.


You say "hi -- good to talk to you again -- when are we getting together". Yes, he will be annoyed === you left town!!!!!!

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Mhowe I did what you said, I texted him and we talked: but barely. I reminded him of our next date by asking a random question about it while talking. He reply my chitchat just one-word sentences like "don't know, okay" etc. When the time came which he said we could date (friday or saturday): no voice from him: no text, ne call, nothing. So I guess it was over

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