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Is it weird or okay?


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My coworker offered to drive me home once, but he doesn't really live close to my house. He is pretty nice and is always waiting for me until the end of my shift to drive me home (we finish at the same time, but i finish a bit later). We sometimes joke, but I'm really friendly so it happens with anyone. I find it a bit weird that he is always asking me to drive me home or even come pick me up before work. I have a boyfriend, and as I said, i'm just friendly.


Is it normal or a bit weird?



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Maybe he's hoping that if he's nice enough to you, you'll think of him if you and the BF hit the skids. Does he know you have a boyfriend?


In my experience, a guy won't usually just go out of his way to do nice things like take you to and from work unless he is hoping it will get him somewhere.


How does your boyfriend feel about this?


If it doesn't feel right to you, it probably isn't.

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Maybe he's hoping that if he's nice enough to you, you'll think of him if you and the BF hit the skids. Does he know you have a boyfriend?


In my experience, a guy won't usually just go out of his way to do nice things like take you to and from work unless he is hoping it will get him somewhere.


How does your boyfriend feel about this?


If it doesn't feel right to you, it probably isn't.


Yea well I never mentioned it, because it wasn't in my conversation, but it's pretty visible on my phone at work! haha

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Sometimes, if you're friendly with a guy and don't explicitly mention that you have a boyfriend, he'll take that to mean you're single. Always invoke the boyfriend; it avoids trouble. (Invoking the boyfriend = when you throw out a reference to him ASAP during a convo with another person, like "Oh, you like Slipknot? My boyfriend loves them!")

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Sometimes, if you're friendly with a guy and don't explicitly mention that you have a boyfriend, he'll take that to mean you're single. Always invoke the boyfriend; it avoids trouble. (Invoking the boyfriend = when you throw out a reference to him ASAP during a convo with another person, like "Oh, you like Slipknot? My boyfriend loves them!")


Yess! That's what Im gonna do tomorrow !

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Is it normal or a bit weird?




Seems like you are the one thinking things are weird, would you be asking this question if it was a girl? would you even bother asking this question if you didn't think that maybe this guy likes you?


If i was your boyfriend i would be concerned, but hey everyone has opinions.

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a guy offering a woman a ride home....hello??? Male-Female Interaction 101..... he is into you and wants to increase the intimacy. shut it down now and hard if you do not want something to get started. why are you accepting a ride with him?


Well I am only accepting because he seems friendly and is kind to everyone. But from now, I think I won't accept

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Why did he offer you rides in the first place? Was it something that came up, because you don't have a car or what? If you're worried about anything else then work the boyfriend into the convo and insist on paying him for the rides. You should do that anyways and it will send a clear message that you see this as a service he's offering from one co-worker to another rather than a personal favor. But is he interested in something more, hmmm if it's really out of his way then yeah quite possibly he is. And it works too or at least that's how my ex first got me interested in him, we both worked at the same office and he started driving me to and from work. I did insist on paying for gas and he accepted it, but the alone time definitely helped his case. I didn't have a BF though.

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Yea well i take the bus so i guess thats why.. But i clearly told him I have a boyfriend and he txted me today that he can come get me to go to work! But he knows i have a bf so it should be fine!


Doesn't mean its okay, it just means he doesn't care that you have a boyfriend. I would still be on guard, in fact he may use this to guilt trip you in the future but the decision is yours of course.

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Doesn't mean its okay, it just means he doesn't care that you have a boyfriend. I would still be on guard, in fact he may use this to guilt trip you in the future but the decision is yours of course.


Really? Where's your proof that he will do this? She has said nothing that would lead anyone to believe that he would behave this way. Sure, he may have an ulterior motive of trying to get together with her in the long run, but for right now he hasn't made that move, either.

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