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am i right or wrong? am i doing the right thing by not phoning her?


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ok, am i doing the right thing?..this girl i work with, who i have liked for a while and i think she likes me but has never said she does even though there has been flirting from both of us, recently asked me to go out with her one night last weekend and i said yeah for sure. she asked me a week prior so i thought yeah i can i have no plans and was looking forward to it. so the day came around to go out and 2 hours before we were meant to meet she messaged me saying she woke up feeling sick and cant go out ( but noticed the following night she was out having fun through a pic i saw on facebook). i wasnt really impressed and messaged her back saying bluntly "ok, hope you feel better" thats all i said and left it at that.i was pretty annoyed and thought im not going to phone her, considering i was the one that always initiated the calls and messaging, thinking she can message or call me if she wants to talk. but a week has passed and still no correspondence from her. i got a feeling she knows im not happy with her and shes scared to call me. am i doing the right thing by not ringing and waiting for her to call?. i just think i shouldnt chase her mainly because she made the call to not go out and obviously she has my phone number

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did you try asking her out before? or was she the one that brought up going out together for the first time? She may of gotten a last minute invitation and bailed on you. and are you sure her facebook post was of the following night? sometimes people post images late. Regardless, now in my 30's, when I cancel on a guy, I always call. Not calling and texting 2 hours beforehand is definitely uncool. I will tell you though, she likely will regret it at some point if you lose interest all together, b/c when you treat people not so great, you usually end up thinking you messed it up... One time years ago I did something similar to a guy, and he never contacted me back. He was a good guy too. I def looked back at one point and thought, boy I ****ed it up. not that it makes you feel any better...Bottom line, since you work with her, you have time to gauge how things go going forward and see if you can get over her initial lameness..

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thanks for the reply. yeah we were actually out having a drink ( i asked her this night) the night she asked me to go out with her. shes a bit fragile sometimes so i think she may be afraid to ring me. yeah she was definitely out the following night because it said on facebook the location she was at , at the time. i have always shown her lots of attention and its not that she doesnt like it i just think she doesnt know how to respond to it. i actually should have said we were working together but she left a week before, not that that matters at all, but we spoke just about every day up until this happened. i feel bad for not ringing, but why should i have to when i was the one left high and dry

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fragile? unless you are seriously in into this girl and afraid someone else will snatch her up I would probably stay clear of this girl. IF you cancel on a guy you ask for a another day when you cancel...like, I'm sorry I can't make it tonight but how about next Saturday? that's just the way it is. I would say, move on. I know that's not what you want to hear...;-/

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Try your best not to keep contacting her. If you work with her you will see her. Make sure to make eye contact with her and make it obvious you see her. That way she knows you are contacting her, and if she liked you enough she will go out of her way to talk to you. If not, well it's best to move on.

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