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WHat do you guys think about a guy on his 40's, have kids but never married


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The thing with having children with someone is that is already a commitment for life. You are stuck dealing with the mother of the children for life...so anybody who thinks they are getting away without a legal commitment just because they aren't married, are not dealing with reality...because once there are children involved, there are all kinds of legal and financial issues that get tied in.


Right but I mean dating wise. Maybe he had an accident..lol. Maybe they were oops babies.

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Allcity, your attempts to bring LOGIC to the discussion are funny, but probably won't convince the OP or anybody else.


Haha! Yeah, looks like you're right. As soon I asked a couple of questions about this weird 'marriage-is-the-key' and 'all-men-are-the-same' mentalities, all I got was tumbleweeds

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