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Fraud Please help me im scared

Laura Ashley

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Money is still withdrawn from the account and the logs tell where the money came from. It will show a withdraw to her account and then in their reject bin there will be extra money. It gets posted back to the account manually after someone raises an issue, there are disk, tapes and cameras that log it. She is creating a huge mess for the bank to sort out all she has to do is tell the truth.

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i agree. thats why i couldnt believe that she let this get so far. the money is BACK in the bank, it can be retrieved! just speak up before federal agents have to get involved! and your family is slapped with fines, maybe even jail time! do you have ANY IDEA WHAT YOU COULD BE GETTING YOURSELF INTO! speak up!



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I just wanted to say, it really disturbed me to hear you say you were afraid to tell your mom about you being scammed cause she would beat you!


Im surprised knowone has said this but, jeeze, dont just try and take abuse. It's serious and it's not your fault. If your mom hits you, tell your Dad, or someone who you trust!

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Im surprised knowone has said this but, jeeze, dont just try and take abuse. It's serious and it's not your fault. If your mom hits you, tell your Dad, or someone who you trust!


What do you mean that no one has said anything about the abuse? You might want to go back and reread the thread. SEVERAL of us told her she needed to tell a trusted adult, seek counseling, etc.

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and what, you don't think I don't know all this! the fact is NONE OF YOU! are in my situation. So its easy for you all to sit back an say "tell the truth" ect... but at the end of the day I have too suffer for it.


Do you think it's easy for me to go to school get yelled at come home get and get yelled at. Do you think im stupid or what! I didn't do it on purpose but I'm just not brave enough to take action. Try living my life and you will see exactly what I go through.


Okay maybe there are times I get on with my mum. But it's rare she's she's in a good mood.


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Avman's right. If you didn't want opinions, you shouldn't have asked for them. We're here to tell you what you *need* to hear -- not what you *want* to hear.


BTW: Bravery isn't the absense of fear. It's a willingness to stand for the truth IN SPITE of fear.

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and what...it takes how many people to tell me what to do. Sometimes it's too hard to face fears especially if your a real worrier.

But most of you discussed this topic as though I wasn't here. You talked about it amongst yourselves and wrote it harshly.

I bet there are times when you all havent told the truth. I don't care weather or not honesty is the best policy. I wanted some advice not for most of you too have a big fit at me over it.

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You asked for advice and you got it: tell the truth about what happened. Nobody called you a bad person or anything like that. All they told you was to speak up and just honestly say what really happened.


The only one having a fit over this - is you.

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You asked for help. We gave it to you. Just because we told you the truth and said you needed to be honest about what happened doesn't mean we are acting like your parents -- it just means we recognize that you are old enough to handle the situation maturely and take responsibility for your actions.


I notice you still haven't told us how things turned out...

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things turned out okay in the end. The money was not collected by anyone but it was taken back into the machine.

Police did not clash it as a fraud and me and my dad was not charged.

I just felt like I was stuck with no way out and all I was getting from people was a load of parenting attitude.It felt like most of you think I was stupid when talked about my situation with one another. So if you still think I'm having a fit over then fine think that. But I know what I ment and I know how I felt.


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