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Fraud Please help me im scared

Laura Ashley

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Hello im Laura,

I went to draw about £40 out on saturday and I forgot to pick it up rom the machine. I don't know why I did I have never done that before.

I didn't have the guts to tell my mum because she would really have layed into me. She has such a violent temper.


So me and my dad (as im only 15) went to my branch because my dad thinks someone has hacked into my account. We filled in some forms and now we have to wait for a responce. The bank in scotland are going to have an investigation going. If they can prove its fraud I will get a refund if not then its our fault that we never got the money. If the result comes back as not been a fraud me and my dad look like we have a scam going.


This was never my intention. Im soo scared. My dads calling the police and I have no idea what to do. They can prove the exsact date and time of the withdrawel and its going to be me!


I don't know what to do. I if i tell mum she will hit me so badly!

Please help im 15 and im soo scared.

Laura xx

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I have done exactly the same thing as you and I know of others whom have done the same thing. It is so easy to get distracted isn't it?


So if you went to the bank and typed in your pin number, then the bank will know that this money has been withdrawn. Card fraud can and does happen, see news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/business/3996745.stm


Now there are two things that you can do. Either leave it and see how it turns out with the bank. I cannot see the bank prosecuting for a mere £40.


or (preferably)


tell your father what happened, and tell him the reason as well! You and him will then probably have to go to the bank to tell the truth.


Did you know that cash dispensed at cash machines, if not picked up in around 20 or 30 seconds, are automatically pulled back into the machine. All you have to do then is to tell the bank and when they cash up at the end of the day they will see this additional money and give it to you.



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I don't understand a word of that


U withdrew £40 and left it in the machine and forgot to take it out? In what way has some1 hacked into your account?


Did u mean u left the card in the machine as well as the money? If u had the machine will likely have swallowed both the card and the money unless some1 was nearby to pick it up.


Why will they think your dad and u have a scam going on if the machine swallowed your card? Or, if some1 knicked the card and money it will probably be recorded by cctv. And u can simply cancel your card so no1 can use it either.


"This was never my intention. Im soo scared. My dads calling the police and I have no idea what to do. They can prove the exsact date and time of the withdrawel and its going to be me! "


Weren't u ment to be withdrawing cash with that card? Why are u worried that its going to be u? Of course its u, u were getting money out for a night out


I really don't understand what the problem is.




EDIT: Have u told your dad that u have lost £40 from your account and not told him it was your fault and that some1 must of hacked into your account to knick tht money? Why did u do that? Why didn't u let it go as just a mistake. Or tell him the truth. like i said, the money (and card?) would of probably been swallowed back up and thereforeeee the money I don't think would of left your account as the money wasen't taken. And if it has lef your account, if it was swallowed again they will be able to find out and remburse u that £40 probably.

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because my mum and dad don't know that I forgot to pick the money up! I never told them I left the money in the machine by accident. I took my card but I forgot to get the money!


I told my mum and dad there was no money to draw out. So he thinks there is a scam going.


If I told my mum and dad the truth they would hurt me. They love me but they are very badly tempered.


Thats the problem.


when the bank get hold of my dad tomorrow. They will see that I left the money in the machine and that there was no fraud at all.


However, its looks like me and my dad are conning the bank for an extra £40!

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Yes, thats what it will look like alright. This is why you need to tell the truth about things like this. Especially if the police get involved. If you've been lying and they catch you doing it, you will be in far worse trouble than you ever imagined.


Tell the truth. Come clean and face the consequences now before its too late. This is an important lesson for you to learn.

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At this point, If I were you I would just go to the bank personally, ask for a manager, and tell them the truth, tell them that the whole situation has got out of hand and you want to make it right and that you are sorry. Tell them that you were afraid to tell your parents because of the reasons you told us. Be honest and I'm sure they'll take care of it for you. it's only 40 pounds. I'm sure things like this happen all the time.

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Yep, definitely go tell the bank manager right away. Im sure he will be sympathetic and understanding.


I take it you have checked your account and are £40 down? Hopefully, the money was swallowed by the machine and he will make sure u get your £40 back as well.



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Look. If I told them the truth I would never hear the end of it. I'm stressed enough as it is with school.


They don't know half the stuff I go through each day everyday. I told them I was getting bullied before and my mum yelled at me saying "If you get beaten up its tough s**t because i'm sick of battleing for you!" I'm a natural born worrier.


It's too late to tell the bank now anyways because the forms have been sent off.


My mum is in a good mood at the minute and do you know how often she's in a good mood???? VERY VERY RARE!!!!


I want this to blow over but tomorrow noon it's probably all going to come out anyway when the bank of scotland have investigated the case. Lets face it my life is crudd now so whats the point of trying to make it better when everytime I try things go from bad to worse.


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Hi Laura


Your parents should not be hitting you. There is no excuse for it. You should not have to accept it and feel scared.


However, as you cannot tell your parents the truth, you must tell a responsible adult the whole truth and let them deal with this problem. Possibilities (in order) could include a kinder relative who will not get nasty, a teacher that you like and trust, the bank manager himself or even consider visiting your local police station yourself and asking to speak to a female officer. Ask them not to tell your parents and give the reason that you have given us. They will sort it out for you.


Things will work out in the end.

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but in the end the will find out. the police will tell my parents about abuse. they don't hit me all the time but sometimes they do.

What if I did go to the police and they took it further? and how would I explain about the £40?

Im 15 I don't think I should be going through this. It was an accident and I didn't plan it I swear.


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Laura, you are right, you should not be going through this.


If you went to the police and explained the whole truth, you will definitely not be in trouble. However, there is a very high probability that they will investigate the abuse that you suffer. Only you can decide whether you want that to happen. It is a very difficult decision to make.


I have just been reading a few of your previous posts in other forums. You mention that you have a sister in Bristol, whom you like. She understands what you are going through.


Having read this, I would advise you to immediately telephone your sister and ask her to help you. Tell her everything and she will sort it out for you.

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If that was me I just would have gone back to the bank myself when I remembered and said that I stupidly forgot to take the money... My elderly neighbour did that once... they looked into it and since the money was snatched by someone before it got swollowed back into the machine she didnt get it..

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You are going to be busted. Just come clean and take your punishment. Your parents won't stay mad forever...but I think they will be even more angry knowing that you made them do all this. Atleast you could of said was you lost it. Must of fell out of your pocket. Just get it over with...you won't die from it, just have to accept your punishment.



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You are going to be busted. Just come clean and take your punishment. Your parents won't stay mad forever...but I think they will be even more angry knowing that you made them do all this. Atleast you could of said was you lost it. Must of fell out of your pocket. Just get it over with...you won't die from it, just have to accept your punishment.




Exactly. U will be in more trouble if u don't tell them the truth. If u hurry up and tell them your dad can phone the bank manager and they can stop the enquiry. Just apologise to them.


When u say that your parents "hit you", were exactly do they hit u and how e.g. fist, slap?

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Well I have to say it is not completely your fault. Yeah you forgot to get the money....Everyone here has done something like that before. I have to say that if you were my kid I would want you to come to me and tell me you messed up. Sure I might yell, but I would not want my kids to think that they can not come to me in fear. When you do tell the truth you should try to make that clear, that if you didn't think you were going to get in that much trouble you would of came clean in the beginning. That is the fear they bestilled in you that made you feel you had to make a story up.


If your parents were like my parents, then that is not even going to sink into them. Do what I did...take my punishment and deal with it. In a couple of years nobody is going to care about this. They may pick on you about it, but you probably will not be yelled at for it.



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Laura, if you think telling your parents the truth will get you in trouble, then you don't know the half of it!


This is VERY serious, Laura. Did you know you and your father can actually be ARRESTED for this (because of the fraud aspect of it)?


You need to TELL THE TRUTH and you need to do it NOW.


If you're being abused, that's another issue; and, you need to get help. (Tell a trusted adult what's going on.) However, that really has no bearing on this situation. The judge will NOT accept "I didn't want to get in trouble with my parents" as an excuse when you have to appear in court on fraud charges.


Come clean now, and you won't be in trouble legally. Keep your secret, and you can SERIOUSLY go to JAIL for this!

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Okay, you're right. I should've said "juvenile hall"; but, in my eyes, they're the same thing. And, an adult (her father) COULD go to jail for this, as they have no way of proving that it was all an innocent mistake. (Actually, the fact that she still isn't going forward with the truth even though she has realized it's gone too far makes it seem a bit less *innocent*.)


Edit: Yes, I know it would be up to the prosecution to prove it *wasn't* an "innocent mistake", but our judicial system isn't perfect. Innocent people get put away all the time. No, it's not nice, but it *is* a fact of life.


I, for one, don't think she needs to take that chance.

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Look! Im not an abused child. My parents just have a bad temper I mean sometimes it goes too far. Im not beaten everyday but I do get hit occasionally and to have the screaming at me! I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!


If you're not being abused, then you have no reason to worry about the police finding out what goes on at home. Of course, you don't have to be "beaten everyday" to be abused...


Anyway, back to the topic at hand, have you told them the truth, yet?

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The bank can yes, press charges on a 15 year olds parents and yes it has happened. I worked in a bank for 4 years. If you tell the manager you father was not aware what happened and you left without taking the money there will be no action taken. Besides.....the machine pulls the money back in after 20 seconds, if you left it it goes to a reject bin where once they balance their machine they will know who didn't take the money. They will more than likely call your parents to tell them you made a withdraw on such and such a day. Everything in an atm machine is documented on camera and a disk. One way or another what happened will come out....


Look I came from a family where mistakes were unacceptable and my father and mother both hit me. No it wasn't all the time but yes it was abuse and it took me a long time to admit it. Especially coming home at 21 and my father knocked me half way accross the room for being what he felt was too smart with him. The point is you shouldn't have to go threw it and 1 or 2 times of rages where you get hit can be considered abuse.


Do your self the favor find a counselor find someone tell them what is going on at home then explain the situation and tell them you are afraid to tell your parents and let them be the judge of abuse or not.

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listen i think we all got 'disciplined' time to time, i hope it isnt to a point where it is viewed as abuse though.


but on the topic u posted about, they probably will track where the last withdrawl occurred & ATMs have cameras, they can easily see it was you @ the time of withdrawl...but on that note, they may also catch the person who took your money after you left. its illegal if they took it, they are probably supposed to give it back to the bank. so they can see who's account used that ATM after you & find out the name of person at that ATM after you & who took your money & maybe THEY are the ones that are gonna get in trouble...just tell your parents what happened & pay them back if need be! ITS NOT THE END OF THE WORLD! youre making them more mad by doing all this extra unnecessary crap. just come clean. im sure theyll see how sorry you are for it.


you were allowed to access the money in that account right?? u didnt like steal their ATM card did you?


ps: how much money is that in U.S. dollars by any chance..?



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...but on that note, they may also catch the person who took your money after you left. its illegal if they took it, they are probably supposed to give it back to the bank. so they can see who's account used that ATM after you & find out the name of person at that ATM after you & who took your money & maybe THEY are the ones that are gonna get in trouble...


As the other posters have said, the ATM machine should've withdrawn the cash back into the bank; thus, there is no "person who took the money". That's why it will look like a scam...it's going to look like they are just saying the account was "hacked" and the money was stolen to get the bank to pay them the extra money because all of their money will STILL be in the bank.


Edit: Also, I think the reason we are all terming it "abuse" is because Laura has stated the police will take her away from her parents if they find out about it. That doesn't sound like everyday punishment...

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