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Stressed out of my mind, crying and angry... can't stop thinking.


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Hi enotalone,


I'm not sure how to deal with things right now. At the same time my sister is verbally abusing me again, I'm facing a court case that (I feel) I have a 50/50 chance of winning, I don't feel safe or happy or comfortable in my own house because of one of my housemates and I need to break it off with my boyfriend (after two months of him being completely disinterested..).


I think, if any of these one things happened separately- I'd deal okay, but everything feels like it's caving in. I've talked to and spent time with good friends but I can only rant so much before I feel like I'm being a burden. None of these things have chance of progressing or resolving for various amounts of time (a week, 3 weeks, a month..).


I don't know what to do with myself - every time I try to distract myself I start over thinking and stressing and when I try to just hang out with friends or something my mind always strays back to the beginning.


Just.. yeah. I think I've sorted resolutions to all the various situations but it's just my mental state now that I don't know how to deal with any suggestions, tips or comments would really help me in so many ways - thank you so much in advance.

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what is the most important thing to focus on at the moment? Tackle that, and set boundaries with everything else.


If your sister is being abusive to you, set parameters for your contact. If she calls you, you end the conversation if she starts getting abusive. Calmly end the call. Don't take her calls sometimes. And certainly, don't allow her to visit.


Can you affect the outcome of the courtcase by studying or getting your ducks in a row? Or is it one of these things where your preparedness has no bearing? If your actions will change the outcome or have yu more prepared do it. If not, then put it out of your mind and what will be will be,


Decide what is up with the housemate. Is there a legitimate beef that you are causing or contributing too? (non payment, slobbiness?) If the roomie has a legitimate problem with you and you just dont want to face it, try to resolve it. If it is nothing in your control, don't engage with the housemate. For now, since tehre are bigger fish to fry, go to your room, just greet them with small talk and don't get into things or be busy. If all else fails move.


The boyfriend either break it off or work on your relationship. Maybe he is not disintersted but hanging back due to drama or is not giving you the response you want (not acting devastaated and dramatic himself). If you want to end it - end it. And be done with it. Or just focus on your other stuff and see where the chips fall.


Some people have rough patches in their life and other people have very drama filled lives. I don't know which you have, but things have a way of being clearer when we set good boundaries for teh ways others treat us.

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No advice here, just sympathy. I had a really hard year back in 2010 where I had a whole bunch of really stressful events add up and pretty much crush me. I tried so hard to carry it all, but I didn't understand how much it all impacted me until it was too late. I am still healing from it all. I wish you the best. It isn't easy.

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