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daTing Tips


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I am taking this girl out this weekend and i just wanted to know some tips that i could use. I met her before but we arranged this date so we could get to know eachother more. What kind of questions should i ask her, its kinda hard just to ask random questions. Does a girl like it when you make eye contact the whole time?

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Just play it like it's no big deal. If you try and do anything special you most of the time end up looking dumb ie. if you try and look at her all night, so just play it as it comes. Do have some aces up your sleeve just incase the conversation starts to slow down. If you have a question that you don't get to ask don't press it. Keep it and go back to it if you have to. Just have fun.

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Make sure that you are a gentleman the entire time you are with her. Open doors for her, allowing her to enter the building first.. compliment her on how great she looks!...ask her about her family, her hobbies, her interests.


Be yourself, talk about yourself too, but not too much! Good Luck!

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