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To the guys out there dating.


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Would you text a girl a few days after a date if you were not interested in persuing things with her? Also would a guy saying 'hopefully do it again soon sometime' be a brush off as there is no specific time or testing the waters for a response? This happened after the second date.

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I always assumed that unless another date was planned -time and place -there was no other date. Often enough I'd be contacted by email or even phone even though he wasn't interested in seeing me again -or not interested enough.


I guess, but how much harm could one follow-up text do? I guess she could wait for him to reschedule; however, we do not know how she acknowledged her date after that text.

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I guess, but how much harm could one follow-up text do? I guess she could wait for him to reschedule; however, we do not know how she acknowledged her date after that text.


I agree it couldn't hurt but I don't see a real difference between typing and calling -it will send the same message to him as far as level of interest to him and she has to be comfortable with that.

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I just told him to let me know when he was free, because although I do like him, I don't want him to think I'm desperate. I just find it weird that he would text, especially after telling me he doesn't like games. In my opinion no text= no interest that was why this text confused me because it doesnt appear to show much interest but it does say 'hopefully do it again sometime' He waited until 4 days after the date to text me, and started the text with 'hey'. I had text him the night of the date just to say I had a good night, he als included in his text 'glad you had a good time' and a joke about the bar staff being happy to not see us again because of the passionate kissing...that was another ting that confused me saying 'i think the bar staff will be happy not to see us again lol'

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