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Should I ask if she is still interested in me?


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So here's my situation. This girl and I have been talking for a little while now and we decided we like each other. We've been flirting and talking about being together, but there's a problem - she has a boyfriend. Her and her boyfriend have been dating only for about 2 weeks now. However, he treats her like crap. He doesn't care about her. He'll send her maybe 2 texts a day, and sometimes none at all. He won't even kiss her or hang out with her. He even rejected her on a date. And yet, they're still together. She was telling me the other day that she feels wrong talking to me and flirting with me yet it feels so right. She kept saying how she felt bad about it but at the same time she wants it. But she also said she feels like she should give him a chance and see how things go. She couldn't make up her mind between him and I and she said to give her some time to think about it, and I have been. I met this girl on facebook and yesterday we finally met up at the mall. Before we met, and we were just talking, she was cutting things short, sending texts just saying "haha x)" or "lol". Normally she's more talkative. But so, we met, and she had a good friend with her. He and she talked more than her and I did, because, well, they're good friends and have mutual friends always will have something to say to each other. That's mainly what they talked about is people they know. I did hop in the conversations though but it was rather difficult to steer the attention toward me, and I couldn't say much cause I don't know these people they were speaking of. This other guy also has no clue anything was going on between us (that would have made her look bad if she told him), and even though she did talk about her boyfriend is bad to her to him, I didn't pull a move because that would make us both look bad. When he left, we talked a bit more, but that was rather short lived because she had to leave soon after. I texted her after she left, and it was the same "haha" crap. I sent her a "cute" text at like 2 in the morning to test her, because last time I did this she was like "Wow that made my morning already amazing, you're perfect, I like you a lot blah blah". This time it was just "Lol awww good morning We talked for a little bit, the same short replies continued, so I stopped texting.


I feel like she is backing away from me now that we're getting closer to each other because of her boyfriend. I feel like even though he is a jerk to her, she is going to see how things go with him like she said, and is taking a step back from me so she can focus on him, and if things don't go well, she'll come to me. Which, if this is the case, is understandable. I've been in the same situation before. Because she knows it's wrong for her to be talking to me while in a relationship. This is a fresh relationship, so she might want to give the guy a little more of a chance. But I don't know for sure. This is just my guess.


So, my plan is to just wait it out, and see if she texts me first. But if she doesn't, would it be a good idea to ask her how she feels? Even if I might already know the answer, I just want to know whether this is the case or not. I want to make sure I'm not going to waste my time waiting around and I'd rather her tell me straight.

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Hate to say it, but it sounds like you are nothing more than a back up plan for this girl. She has the boyfriend and if she doesn't like how things are going with him, then she can always jsut text you and you will be hanging around waiting to pick up the leftovers. I would back of completely. It won't end well for you.

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Hate to say it, but it sounds like you are nothing more than a back up plan for this girl. She has the boyfriend and if she doesn't like how things are going with him, then she can always jsut text you and you will be hanging around waiting to pick up the leftovers. I would back of completely. It won't end well for you.

I was thinking the same thing, but she's actually sent me screenshots showing how he'll reply like twice and never talk to her again, and if he didn't truly treat her like crap, she probably wouldn't have said anything to her friend.

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I feel like even though he is a jerk to her, she is going to see how things go with him like she said, and is taking a step back from me so she can focus on him, and if things don't go well, she'll come to me. Which, if this is the case, is understandable.


If she decides to choose you, don't be surprised to learn that "if things don't go well," she'll be out there test driving others before dumping you. Where do you see the prize here?

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