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Securing a third date. Help?


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Hello there,


After a horrible heart break I think I've met someone. We met online, had a great first date and he kissed me at the end of it... I didn't kiss him back as I follow the three date rule... Kinda. A week later we went out again... Can't remember who took the initiative. He held my hand as we got off the car, he said he was happy to have met me and included me in his plans for his birthday which is a month away, didn't let me pay for anything although I took my card out before him. We kissed briefly at the end of the date, I forgot to thank him so Imtexted him right away. He answered. We didn't talk on Monday. I texted him on Tuesday to wish him luck on his new job, he said my message was sweet. Then he texted me on Wed telling me about his day, we texted back and forth on Wed and Thursday. I sent the last message that day and haven't heard from him.. I can't wait to see him but I am scared to be rejected. I kinda want to ask him out but I don't know... Should I wait until he texts me or should I ask him if he has plans for the weeke

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Hey ladyshew sounds like you are going pretty good with your date. If he initiated the kiss first and you didn't kiss back no worries. The fact that you guys went on a second date and kissed I'm hoping a bit more passionately sounds pretty good. It definitely sounds like he is into you and the fact that he already made you part of his birthday plans sounds like he is into you. So here's what you do either send him a text or call him and say hey I'd really like to see you this weekend can you make some plans for us. I'm sure you won't be rejected but he may or may not have plans it's just how it goes. Don't be nervious or shy and if he ends up asking if you had any idea of what you would want to do for a date then give him a few ideas of what you would want to do. Good luck and don't be so nervious!

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I'd wait a bit. And then let him know you'd love to see him again. Don't set up anything for this weekend. Do it next weekend. And don't text quite so much. It's better to talk in person. Be friendly and encouraging, of course, but tell him you'd rather have most of your conversations face to face. Take my word on it, you'll be much more seductive and compelling in person.

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