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Hello everyone!


I am very happy to have found this site. I have so many things going on in my life and i need to let it all out. First of all, I started college not so long ago. So far it's been fine- Having a good time with my new friends etc.. but I have noticed something from one of my teachers (design). Let me start from the beginning. We are a class of um..about 20 or 15, depends if everyone comes (lol). There's this girl who I think everyone considers her pretty. She's got the blonde hair, make up on, petite, blue eyes. That doesnt bother me at all. What does concerns me a bit is that our design teacher pays more attention to her than the rest of us girls in class. We are 5 girls in THE WHOLE CLASS!


Yes, I do understand that out of the 5 girls, she's the one who comes to class as she were to go on a date. She wears lots of make up, dresses up in stylish clothes etc. I don't think our teacher has any involment with her, but it would be very crappy if I found out he's more interested on what she does just because of the way she looks. I don't consider myself ugly, I do dress a bit more casual than her....but DOES THAT HAVE TO DO ANYTHING WITH getting a GOOD GRADE or having the teaChers appreciation of the work I do in class??


Any advice will be appreciated.


Thank you so much,


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Your teacher may not realize what he is doing.


A hard fact in life is that some people get by on their looks alone, period.


If your teacher is still teaching the class and you are doing well in the class, I would just let it go, do your homework pass your tests and get out of there.


If his attentions to this girl are harming you and the others in the class by not learning as much, I would suggest passing a petition around and turning it into your school administation building.


It sounds like you may be jealous of this girl, but really, who cares what she wears? Do you want this teacher staring at you instead?


Also, teachers in college dont really care if you learn or not. They dont put smiley faces and stars on A papers. All they want is for you to show them that you learned what they teach you, and you will pass. They dont often "show appreciation" for work you do. You are the one left to appreciate the good grades you get.

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I teach college, I find teachers may look more at attactive or enthuastic sudents, but grading is crunch time. Students have either done the work or not. Looking at really attractive people is human nature. So is jealousy. Sounds like you may be feeling a little of that.

Either way, this teacher should steer clear of both of you. It is completely inapporpriate of him to get involved with a student in his class.

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Well in all honesty, (girls)we are always competitive with everything we do and jealousy is part of our lives, but moving to what I really care for the most- MY GRADE. It is not only me who have noticed the unique attention SHE receives- I have had chats about this to other students (including guys) and they too notice that when it comes to showing our work etc... He concentrates on her the most. Ok, so let me explain a bit better to make it clearer.


So far she's the only one who have been receiving the highest grade out of all of US and all she does when in class is talk talk and talk(on the CELLPHONE most of the times). A little strange...don't you think?


Anywho, whatever is happening between those two, I don't want it to affect my grade. I don't think is fair for a person to pass a class just by looks. If that turns out to be the only way, then I will too have to look like I am going out on a date. Though, I prefer doing in it on a real date.


Thanx for your advice, shadylady and Iceman. I appreciate it!



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who says he's involved with her? and do you know that she's getting better grades than what she deserves? and it's up to her if she wants do dress like that and be looked at...do you want the teacher to look at you, would you like a bit more attention from him in class?

like all the rest said, seems you a bit jealous here.

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Hello somanaomi.


First of all, thank you for taking your time to post. I didn't say they are involved- I said maybe they are or they aren't. About the grades, our own instructor let everyone in the class know she's the ONLY one with a 'perfect grade' and he wasnt kiddin, and that is the reason why a few classmates, not only me...go a bit concern.


At the end of the day he apologized anyway, so it doesnt matter anymore. But again, thank you for your post


Take care,


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