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how much control do guys have over their sex drive?


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Unless he's messed up in the head, a man has complete control over whether or not he is going to have intercourse with a girl. He may want to, but if she doesn't then he won't.


A man can't control however, (or it's nearly impossible to) whether or not he gets an erection. Just like how a women can't control whether or not she gets wet. If you're sexually aroused, you're going to be sexually aroused.


I find the only way I can "talk down" an erection is to think of something disgusting. Like hippos taking a dump or something putrid like that. If I'm lying in bed with a girl, and I get an erection, then i'm just going to let it stay there because I don't want to ruin my night by thinking about hippos taking a dump to try and make her feel "more comfortable." If she's willing to fall asleep in my arms in the same bed, then that must mean she finds me attractive in some way at the very least. If that's the case, then an erection shouldn't be off putting.


Some people have no sex drive. Others have a very high sex drive. I'm probably on the higher side of average. My last girlfriend's sex drive was extremely high. Much higher than mine, and mine isn't low either. She'd want to have sex almost daily and there were many times were I simply wasn't in the mood. She'd still want me to spend the night with her, and I would but I wouldn't have sex with her. Was I teasing her? Yeah probably, but I didn't get annoyed or put off when we were cuddling during those nights and I found she was wet. Quite frankly I took it as a compliment because it was obvious she found me attractive.


So it's not just guys who have high sex drives either. Girls do too - and those that do don't have an easier time of controlling them than guys do; it's just easier for girls to hide it. It all depends on the person.

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Guys can control their sex drive - depends upon individuals. If someone can not control - masturbation is good option. Guys can get erection very fast and the same way erection can go away also very fast. it is both way. I feel, they have been created in this way to match their sexual compatibility with females. It is true for all the animals.

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