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First love never dies


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Found this gorgeous song, which I cant really relate to because i fell out of love with my first love... but its so pretty, and I almost wish I felt this way about someone because it seems so deep.







I feel like walking

do you feel like coming

I feel like talking coz

it's been a long time


now your hair is long

and you look so thin

you're always so pale

but something has changed

you're almost a man


Four years and I still cry sometimes

first love never die

4 years and I still cry sometimes

first love never die


long time no see

long time wondering

what you were doing

who you were seeing

I wish I could go back to it


I feel like walking

do you feel like coming

I feel like talking coz

it's been a long time


Four years and I still cry sometimes

first love never die

Four years and I still cry sometimes

first love never die


can you feel the same

I will never love again

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Ug. My ex is my first love. It's been six months. My counselor was talking about future relationships not being the same as the first love and not matching up in certain ways...I don't know how that's supposed to help somebody who's grieving, but I really just want to forget him now - not be concerned about what he is/will/might feel.

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Yeah, it's kinda true. Me ex was my first love too. It's possible to get over them but first loves are pretty special because for many people, it's the first time in your life that you felt like you truly connect with somebody.


Plus, being a hopeless romantic means that I always intended to be with my first love forever. It just makes sense so to have that fall apart kinda ruined that plan.

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I'm going though the same thing right now. My ex was my first real love. I imagine it's going to take a long time to get over her (even though I'll never truly be completely over her).


What I'm telling myself is that is future experiences I have with women won't be any less special since they're not my first. I may remember more things from my first love, but that's only because it was a first. It doesn't make it any more or less special, or mean that I was a better fit with my first.

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I've heard others say that they went on to have better relationships following their first love...that's some of the hope I'm going to hold onto. Though I think there will always be a certain intensity and naivety with your first. Memorable but maybe if you have an awareness that not all things last forever you are more self aware in your subsequent relationships? Yuck, that's very positive...what's happening to me?!

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