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New girl Need advice, taking it slow, i think i ruined it.


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Here's the story, i really need advice because i really like her but i think i messed it up already.


So there is a new girl i hooked up with in college, we hit it off she was flirty so i asked for her number and a date/"hangout".


On first date we went all was awesome she was cute and flirty and showing all the right signs, mid-date i took the lead of a men and kissed her, she was kinda shy said shes not "PDA" but went with the flow and we kissed without any sort of trouble. At the end we also kissed. After i get home she texts me that "we should take it slow for now", i said that's cool with me.


Days go by i see her in school and shes shows the right signs, talking, flirting, playfully hitting me etc. A week goes by and by now we know each other that we are comfortable together, again with no signs of loosing attraction.

Yesterday, after school she dropped me off in the evening, i kissed her and we took it in the back seat. We kissing, touching rubbing etc (the good stuff) with out her saying anything/pushing me, she enjoyed (even showed assets) .


After i get home she sends me a text late at night,

Her : "i don't think its going to work..i don't think we should talk anymore",

Me: " i know, we'll only end up making each other miserable..." . (**** test-amplify)


Morning comes and shes replies:

"its just its going way too fast... i have never been kissed without being their girlfriend... so we should just be friends and we cant do kissing or touching etc.." blah blah


Tell me what could i do to save this, shes very cute reserved girl ( i want it), so now i don't reply to her or send anything just NC.

Gonna see her on Monday in class.. what to do ...?


I know there was chemistry between us i don't know what did happen and why you continue to make-out knowing if its bothering you and only tell me later on..?


***? is this a **** test or just not interested or just plain dumb?


Should i apologize for making her uncomfortable?


P.s I know body language and very good with peoples vibe..

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I don't think she is dumb or testing you. It sounds like she is a shy, reserved girl, and this is all happening too fast for her. I'm sure she enjoyed kissing you, but afterwards she probably regretted it (and maybe in her eyes, she feels "skanky"). I think the best thing to do right now is continue hanging out as friends, no expectations of dates or physical contact. Show her that you will be there for her without all the physical stuff, and maybe she will be interested in dating again. If not, then you guys weren't compatible so it wouldn't have worked out anyway.

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I think she is testing you to see if you would be interested in having her as your girlfriend. Are you interested in becoming her boyfriend? Do you want a relationship with her? If you are interested then you need to tell her on Monday you want to be exclusive and see where it goes. If you are not interested then yeah, be her friend and stop the physical.

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I don't think she is dumb or testing you. It sounds like she is a shy, reserved girl, and this is all happening too fast for her. I'm sure she enjoyed kissing you, but afterwards she probably regretted it (and maybe in her eyes, she feels "skanky"). I think the best thing to do right now is continue hanging out as friends, no expectations of dates or physical contact. Show her that you will be there for her without all the physical stuff, and maybe she will be interested in dating again. If not, then you guys weren't compatible so it wouldn't have worked out anyway.

Natasha, you right here's what she said:

"I don't want to be your girlfriend ..at least not now..I still feel like I dont know u..we should just be friends and not like friends who kiss or anything .just friends.."

So it seems i was thrown into the LJBF category..

I want to see how can or if i still can get her. Am attractive very sociable , i don't know what i did wrong.(too much too soon?)

What you advise me to do? leave her alone and move on, or keep persisting in a cool way?

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Why would you do that?


simple ... women get all weird with their emotions .. when u chase it , they lose interest. there is no logic for to trying to convince them to stay because they will sense it..

its a big topic yet very true in real life...

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