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How should I pace this?? My first relationship!!


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I need some advice. I have sort of started dating this fellow, I have had another post about it. I moved to this town 3 weeks ago for work. I really enjoy hanging out with him and he really likes me-it's obvious in his body language and he says so verbally. Last week he kind of pushed everything forward to the next level by kissing me. We've watched a couple movies over the week and he's always wanting to hold me while doing so. And I'm kind of cold hearted and not 'snuggly'..lol, takes me a WHILE to warm up, but I'm doing my best! Especially since I've never 1. been this close to a guy or 2. had a guy be into me the way he is.

I do want to take things slow because I'm not experienced with relationships and even though I do like hanging out with him, I'm still pretty reserved and developed feelings towards him other than in a mostly friend kind of way. This was not the kind of meet where I had an instant crush and thought omg he's hot! haha

He has asked me to sleep over a couple times but I haven't. I'm worried that if I do spend the night (even without sex) that it would maybe be giving him the wrong message. He is not shy and I can tell he wants to do more, but so far has been pretty respectful of me when I indicate to stop.


This is all new to me, I enjoy his company I like hanging out- we've gone dancing and such and it's fun- I just want to keep it at this level for a while. I can't say I'm exactly attracted to him yet (or not even close to the same level of attraction he has for me it seems), but that might come with time if I allow myself to be more comfortable around him. But at the same time I don't really want to open up too much because I am moving from this town in 3 months.

I know I should probably just ask him straight out, but are guys always wanting to go to the next level and do more and more?

Sorry for this random train of thought! I have never been in this situation, any advice would be greatly appreciated!

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Oh and I wanted to add that I see him basically every day, unlike many dating situations where you might see each other once or 2x a week. We have racked up a lot of time together! Oh and we are both 24 too. He has mentioned a couple other past girlfriends, so I'm sure he has some practice with this whole dating/relationship thing. This town is the time of place where no one ever leaves or moves too, REALLY small town out in the country. So it's unusual for someone like me to saunter in!

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Take it slow, if this is your first relationship take it easy. Dont feel obligated to do something that you dont feel that isnt right to do just yet. Yes guys have a tendency to rush thing to the next level cause of the rush of emotions (depending on his intentions with you). I find it with my GF that i wanna rush to the next level but I have to control and look past my emotions for her and see the reality of what could happen if I do. I come from a small town also so take it easy even though you leave in 3 months, this could be a situation set up for you to experience for when you leave there could be a better oportuntity that crosses your path in the future. But do what you feel is right to you without letting your emotions into the choice.

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Take it slow, if this is your first relationship take it easy. Dont feel obligated to do something that you dont feel that isnt right to do just yet. Yes guys have a tendency to rush thing to the next level cause of the rush of emotions (depending on his intentions with you).


Thank you! I guess I am still surprised that even though I am the girl and we are supposed to be the 'emotional' ones, he is more emotionally involved, I would guess.

The more time I spend with him (physically close), I can sense myself letting my guard down a little. He's super affectionate and flirty and I am...umm like not at all! I'm just getting used to all this.

Last night we watched a movie and by the end hes laying accross me with his head asleep on my chest. haha...I'm like, wait a minute, I pretty sure our roles are reversed here.

He wanted me to stay the night, but I again declined. But I think I'll be ok with that in a little bit. I don't want to torture him by always slowing things down, but I believe it will be beter this way.

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