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My gf and I broke up last spring, and we stayed friends for awhile, but eventually we realized we couldnt stand being apart, so we decided to get back together. She wanted to just date though, because we broke up in the first place bc of her fear of commitment. So flash forward now, and I assumed we were no longer just dating, and that we were bf and gf again. But then, someone sent me a link to her yahoo personal, where she goes on about what kind of guy shes looking for. It killed me when I saw it, bc I thought we "together". I cant just sit arounf waiting forever for her to want a serious relationship, but I dont want to force her to stay with me. Please help me.

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I dont know you or your gf.. but let me say that I love my bf (maybe ex now) dearly and I would never do anything to hurt him (at least I wouldnt TRY to) and I made up a personal for fun.. just to see if I would get responses... I did get many replies at first and I just ignored them...


Im not sure what exactly is going on between you too.. but it COULD be just for fun... maybe her and the girls were being silly and posted them to see who would get the most replies... I personally was all alone and bored... I do believe I have even told my bf about it... but not right away.

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I think it is safe to say that your relationship is coming to an end. Don't let her push you around like that. Stand up for yourself. Send her an email of her profile and underneath tell her she is history and to lose your phone number.



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Hi there,

I think you should not jump to conclusions yet and instead talk to her about the relationship. You need to know where you stand at this point. See if she is on the same page as you.


That profile may be old or it may be there for other reasons. The best thing is to have communication with her and find out for yourself what is going on.


Best wishes

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I say save yourself the headache and grief and start moving on. Or better yet...you want to prove me wrong...signup and send her a message as someone else...see if she bites. Start asking how long she been single for. What happened in your past relationship. Do you still have feelings for your x boyfriend, etc. This will help eliminate having to talk to her and discussing your future...if she gives you answers indicating she is looking...then enough said...move on, if not...then you know where you stand.


Good Luck



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I agree with muneca for the possibility that she might pose it for a while and already forgot about it. I have a friend who used to pose his ad online. When he started dating his gal and the gal found his profile, they talked and worked thing out.

You should have a serious talk with her about the ad. If, in case, she denies, try to send your profile as someone else to her.Just llike DBL suggested. Seem like testing water, but help you to find the conclusion for your life.

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Or better yet...you want to prove me wrong...signup and send her a message as someone else...see if she bites. Start asking how long she been single for. What happened in your past relationship. Do you still have feelings for your x boyfriend, etc. This will help eliminate having to talk to her and discussing your future...if she gives you answers indicating she is looking...then enough said...move on, if not...then you know where you stand.



This is a good idea.. I did it once... I got what I didnt want to get.. but that was 3 years ago and we worked through it......

Its deceitful though so dont let her find out it was you... I told my bf it was me.... YIKES

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This just reminded me. I had a friend back up north. She was dating this guy, and all the time they were dating, he was posting ads to online dating services and going on dates. It was crazy. Several times I would get a call by her saying that she looked online and found his profile again. Anyway...she was just beating a dead horse...just kept happening over and over.



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