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how to heal if NC simply isn't an option.

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I broke up with my girlfriend recently because of what is pretty much a cheating incident. Unfortunately, we just signed a lease on a place and have a good 9 to 10 months left on it. Neither of us can afford the place on our own because we're both students and our lease doesn't allow swapping roommates. I'm stuck with her. How do I move on. I've started hitting the gym again because it makes me feel good about myself and I want to get back in shape/get good looking for future romances. My only problem is she likes to pull me back in with crocodile tears. I'm ready to move on, my stomach just sinks with the memories. What can I do?

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Talk to the landlord to see if they'll make an exception for your situation. If you explain what's going on, you might be able to get some leeway.


If you're serious about moving on, you have to do everything in your power to get out of there. Otherwise you'll be stuck in a vicious cycle of wasting time in this in between phase with her which will involve a lot of B.S.'ing and heartache. One of you will get stuck watching the other one move on with a front row seat.

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Oh, man. I feel for you, that is so rough. Careerchoice's idea of talking to the landlord is good; can't hurt to try. It would probably work out better if you had a person lined up who is willing to take over one of the halves of the lease; then take them with you to the leasing office, explain the sitch, and see if the person can do a rental app then and there.


If that's a no-go and you're stuck, is the apt one BR or two? Is there a space in the apt that you can make your own?

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Most contracts say you can't do subleases (like letting someone else live in your room while you study aboard, etc) but EVERYONE does it! Super duper common! So I would 1) Talk to the landlord and if he says no 2) sublease out your room anyway.


I subleased out my room every summer in college and I always lived in apartments with 'No-subleases/switching roommates' clauses. No one cares. The landlord isn't going to come investigating every month.

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Oh, man. I feel for you, that is so rough. Careerchoice's idea of talking to the landlord is good; can't hurt to try. It would probably work out better if you had a person lined up who is willing to take over one of the halves of the lease; then take them with you to the leasing office, explain the sitch, and see if the person can do a rental app then and there.


If that's a no-go and you're stuck, is the apt one BR or two? Is there a space in the apt that you can make your own?


Two bedroom, I have my own space.

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Do you maybe want to subconciously still see her and get back together with her? That 'no subleasing' rule on college apartment contracts is so often ignored and it is definitely common knowledge that you dont need to follow it in college towns. Literally every student-catering apartment complex will have this in their contracts and of course everyone subleases their rooms at one point or another. (Gone home for the summer, study abroad, roommmate troubles, dropping out of school, etc).


So it that it seems very strange that you would even consider still living with her and are saying moving out is "simply not an option". It's almost like you guys are seizing on this technicality as an excuse to still live together. Is there any truth to that? You definitely should not still live together and you certainly don't have to. Like I said, there is no 'apartment police' coming checking the IDs of who is living in the apartment and looking at the photos in peoples bedrooms to make sure no one is lying. Come on.

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