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Devastated and need words of wisdom and advice

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My recent contact with ex (after 3 yrs NC) turned into a huge nightmare. We recently ended contact due to him unable to forgive and forget. OK I accepted that and blocked his number on Wednesday.

I get a call today from the sherrifs office asking about an incident that occurred Wednesday night after midnight. Apparently the ex's GF's apartment got robbed and her car got broken into with alot of money taken. And around 2 am she got threatening messages(from another number not mine) about getting her throat sliced and killing her and her son!!

So my name as a suspect is now involved!! Apparently my ex gave the police my number and they call me in for questioning. The officer was super nice and I explained the past 3 months. I am going to talk to him in person tomorrow to clear my name. I printed out all of our text conversations from my google voice acct(texts are saved there)

I am devastated to think he did this to me accusing me of this and harassment. I did not contact him at the advice of the officer. I would never do no such thing or ever say something to someone and ruin my life over a loser.

I have no idea where to go from here. I know I am innocent. How could someone who once said he loved me try to frame me for this?

Is this his way of getting me back for the past? Or his way of trying to win his GF back? At the time we talked they were broke up..I am in shock

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Well, the police probably asked him if he was dating anyone and he just told the truth - I wouldn't interpret his cooperation with a police investigation as him trying to frame you. I mean, just by the nature of your relationship to him you are a very likely suspect and if the police didn't eliminate you from the suspect list they would be grossly negligent in their investigation.

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Well, the police probably asked him if he was dating anyone and he just told the truth - I wouldn't interpret his cooperation with a police investigation as him trying to frame you. I mean, just by the nature of your relationship to him you are a very likely suspect and if the police didn't eliminate you from the suspect list they would be grossly negligent in their investigation.

Well he didnt talk to the police his baby momma brought my name up and she got my number from him but the officer said he wants to file a complaint against me for harassment?? The officer said he dont got a leg to stand on since he has also made contact with me and that I never threatened anyone. All this over me 3 years later offering to make amends?? Im sick

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No emotion. The legal system does not run on emotion. Get an attorney. All contact goes through attorney. The police don't care about love triangles and back stories. All they need to know is where you were at said time. Figure out the facts. Finger prints on the car? Get a copy of the police report.

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No emotion. The legal system does not run on emotion. Get an attorney. All contact goes through attorney. The police don't care about love triangles and back stories. All they need to know is where you were at said time. Figure out the facts. Finger prints on the car? Get a copy of the police report.


Apparently now after I went in freely for questioning, The ex's gf was asked who would do this..and since I was a jealous ex in the past she said my name. My ex told the cops He couldnt see me doing this and does not want to file a complaint against me for harassment( im sure he must feel a little bad for breaking my heart and now this BS)

But as for me I was no where near her location at the time and they are trying to find out where the text came from(unknown fake number)

I am 100% innocent but I am so depressed and embarrassed to have my good name brought into a mess all because my ex let his GF know we have been talking lately.

We are now in NC as advised from law enforcement, but Now I am back to square one. When this is over I am owed an apology. This has made me lose all feelings left for my ex. How could he do this to me?

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