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2 months post-breakup- progress!

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It's been a little over 2 months for me since he broke up with me to figure his own life out.

The past week has been...better. I haven't cried in like 3 days (woo! accomplishment! haha) I'm dwelling on him less and thinking more about my own future and actually getting excited about it. I still relapse, but it's getting better. I no longer have the crushing urge to call or text him.

Accepting growth is a lonely feeling, but there's something comforting about the realization that what you are experiencing is a universal experience.

It gets better. It really does. You WILL heal from your breakup. It might take longer than a few months, but that initial hollow, how-will-I-go-on feeling, it will pass, and you will rebuild.


I found this article:


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Parts that struck me:

"The good news is that you won’t feel this way forever, and the even better news is that on the other side of a breakup is a breakthrough"


She also writes about the paralysis that we get when we start to think about our exes and get stuck in a loop, and how to break that.


I hope it helps someone else.

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That's a promising update.


I was left for a similar reason, so she could "figure out her feelings for her ex". Who she was clearly not over. Not that we weren't perfect for each other, as she told me many times, but the heart sometimes makes no sense. We didn't date long but I fell hard for her, every time we saw each other she would light up, but it was the wrong time.


I think it hurts more when things seem so perfect and then you are ditched due to it being the wrong time.


Do you still talk to him?

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That's a promising update.


I was left for a similar reason, so she could "figure out her feelings for her ex". Who she was clearly not over. Not that we weren't perfect for each other, as she told me many times, but the heart sometimes makes no sense. We didn't date long but I fell hard for her, every time we saw each other she would light up, but it was the wrong time.


I think it hurts more when things seem so perfect and then you are ditched due to it being the wrong time.


Do you still talk to him?


I'm trying not to text him at all now. It's sad but also kind of a relief. I texted him almost 2 weeks ago now to see how he was doing, and his response made my life feel so separate from his. He emailed me a funny video today and I responded to that, but, as for real words, we have nothing left to say. I daresay even that contact will fade soon.

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