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I'm confused with my date


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I met this guy about a month ago, and we talked on a dating site for a while before that. We share a lots in common, and I found him very attractive. I can't speak for him, but I think he likes me too. However there are some mixed messages, so I want to hear your guys' opinion.


He is very sweet and the conversation was always great. We talked almost everyday with text messages, most times he initiated the conversation. When we hang out, he hugs me sometimes, hold me hand sometimes. He teases me a lot. But havn't kissed me yet.


He almost never talked about his family, including his teenage daughter. He was never married based on his profile on the dating site. If I ask about his family, he answers it in the shortest way and move on to another topics.


He told me after 2 weeks we met each other that there is an out of country volunteer oppotunity coming up, and he don't know when and how long he will go there. ~~ An exit stratagy?


I very much like him, but I still need to get to know him more, if and only if he wants the same thing. But I have no idea.

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But havn't kissed me yet.


Maybe he's just shy? You could always kiss him.


He almost never talked about his family, including his teenage daughter. He was never married based on his profile on the dating site. If I ask about his family, he answers it in the shortest way and move on to another topics.


Could be that there are issues there and he doesn't want to scare you off.


Could be that he had a bad relationship and doesn't want to be reminded of it.


He told me after 2 weeks we met each other that there is an out of country volunteer oppotunity coming up, and he don't know when and how long he will go there. ~~ An exit stratagy?


Possibly, but also possibly a genuine warning to you that he might be gone for a while.


So, you can see all these things in a bad way but you can also see all of them in a good way. If your gut feelings about him are good, go with them. I don't see any major warning signals.

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