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What is he playing at?


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this is a bit of a long and complex story im sorry!


So I have this co-worker I asked to my year 12 formal around a month ago - he was a close friend and I thought I recieved all the "signals" from him - constant talking, staring, interest in my life, coming out of the back at work just to talk to me on the floor - until he rejected me by telling me that he had no formal clothes, and I told myself that it was because there were only three days left to my formal and it was a legitimate excuse (ha ha). After he rejected me he talked to me on facebook constantly for 3 days straight and I just put that down to trying to compensate for the rejection because I know he wouldn't want to jeopardise our friendship at work. He even jokingly suggested we go on a date and I didn't know whether to take him seriously or not so I played along. We never actually went on this date awks


Soon after this I found out my friend who had never met him had added him on facebook and asked him to go to my formal A DAY BEFORE I ASKED HIM without telling me (I had told her I liked him and was too shy to ask him UGH), to which he didn't reply. I had no idea and when I found out, around the day after my formal I sent him a message on facebook apologizing for her creepiness and in hindsight I know I should have pretended like nothing happened because that was the road he was on and ugh. He didn't reply to my apology.


But then I worked with him and he was perfectly normal, even staying back after his shift finished while I was on break to talk to me. Then he didn't contact me for a week. And now for the past 4 days he has been constantly talking to me on facebook, so much that one of my coworkers even asked me privately if we were a "thing".


But today he's back to ignoring me. He goes offline whenever he sees me online and hasn't replied to our back and forth wall posts or messages, and its not because he hasn't had time or hasn't seen them, he has literally been online all night until i came on. Is he just a guy who loves the attention? What is his deal?


i really need to let go aha

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I think that's really terrible that your friend went behind your back on you and tried to pickup on the guy that you liked. Some friend....


If he's ignoring you it's probably because he's not interested. If I were you I would just back off and let it be. If he ain't interested, there's not much you can do about that. As for your friend, I would really question the validity of your friendship at this point.

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I think that's really terrible that your friend went behind your back on you and tried to pickup on the guy that you liked. Some friend....


If he's ignoring you it's probably because he's not interested. If I were you I would just back off and let it be. If he ain't interested, there's not much you can do about that. As for your friend, I would really question the validity of your friendship at this point.


Haha oh sorry I should have worded that better - she asked him if he wanted to go to my formal with me, and I wasn't game enough to ask him. Which makes me look extremely creepy. And he's shy with girls. Actually typing this out I'm not surprised why he's acting all weird haaaaaaha if it was me I'd run too

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