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so what is his deal?


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So again the same guy from my previous posts. He did respond and we have been texting since. Last night was pretty nice. We both like to make different recipes so we're always sending each other pictures of what the other is cooking/eating for dinner throughout the week. I sent him a picture of something I baked last night, and he says "you're such a baker. i love it. i can cook, you can bake." then when he was about to go to bed he says "its bedtime my dear".


then next morning he texts me with a witty joke. and then at night, he texts me saying "so i just got asked to go to a dance, a friends friend i met one. should be interesting." um what the heck?! when i asked what kinda dance (i mean he's 25 what kinda dance could he be going to lol), he says "i dont know i have no clue".


is this a major red flag?

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Since you guys aren't dating he is free to go to dances (??) and you are free to meet men, if that is what you wanted to do. Although you have known him for a long time, it seems like you are just in the flirty stage of your relationship. The dance might not mean anything to him. Does he know that you are interested in him?

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But I do feel you, I'd be a little put off if the guy I liked said that he was going to a dance/date/etc. Especially if I didn't see him that often.


I don't think those are red flags. From what you write (I've read the other posts) he sounds like a nice guy.

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