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I feel like I'm at the lowest point I have ever been in my life. My anxiety Is killing me and I believe it has lead to depression. I don't know what to do to get my mind right, most days I don't even want to get out of bed. It seems like every day is worse than the last and the only thing that makes me feel better is when I use drugs. I seem to stress over every thing in my life right now. I've been out of work for over a year, I'm a full time college student so I have bills stacking up and I just recently lost my unemployment so I have no way to pay for anything. I haven't had a girlfriend in about a year but that's understandable cuz what girl wants to be with a broke pos like me rite. I just feel like I'm in this all by myself and don't know what to do or where to start. It's really killing me to live like this I just want to be happy again.

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Hi I know where exactly were your coming from I suffer with anxiety, deppresion, sickness everyday, carpol tunnel, serve acid reflux everyday, fiance left me after 6 years and fighting to keep a business open. i know its hard but you got to keep pushing think of the good things in your life I count my self as very lucky in my life just think how many millions of people are suffering more than you for example I met an old bloke in Mexico no family, no money, no legs and he was one of the happiest blokes Iv met and he stills carry on everyday. First things you need to do is get your self to a doctor ask for some help don't be afraid to ask I was but turns out they see people daily with anxiety problems and deppresion. Next change your life style and better yourself this will give you more self esteem. I hope this helps just keep pushing forward

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