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he left right after....


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Update alert: He just got engaged to his gf what the fffffffffffffffffff



idk why your acting surprised ...things happen..people go on breaks or break up..get there needs fulfilled then back with each other..it happens all the time


you just happened to be his temp. fulfillment

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So now you don't have to question it. He used you. Now you can move forward.


I don't really think causal sex should be construed as being used. She wasn't exactly dating the guy for any amount of time so what difference does it make. When you have sex with someone you run the risk of getting emotionally attached and possibly hurt, same way guys risk not getting sex at all from females who they date for a period of 2 - 3 months and get no sex at all. Next time, don't invite a guy over for beer and sex and get angry when he doesn't want to make a relationship out of it. Try movies and dates first, you'd be surprised of his intentions before you move on to serious endeavors.

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I don't really think causal sex should be construed as being used. She wasn't exactly dating the guy for any amount of time so what difference does it make. When you have sex with someone you run the risk of getting emotionally attached and possibly hurt, same way guys risk not getting sex at all from females who they date for a period of 2 - 3 months and get no sex at all. Next time, don't invite a guy over for beer and sex and get angry when he doesn't want to make a relationship out of it. Try movies and dates first, you'd be surprised of his intentions before you move on to serious endeavors.


Obviously the OP did become emotionally attached since she questions why he left and then posted what the F in getting engaged to his girlfriend. Casual sex is one thing but she was used because the dude had a girlfriend and she was something on the side.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Sorry you're going through this, but you should move on from this now knowing he's engaged with a child on the way. What exactly is making you angry? Were you half hoping something more would have come out of the sexual encounter? Perhaps a possible relationship?

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Sorry you're going through this, but you should move on from this now knowing he's engaged with a child on the way. What exactly is making you angry? Were you half hoping something more would have come out of the sexual encounter? Perhaps a possible relationship?


I think I'm more angry that he did that to his gf and she has no idea

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How do you know that she doesn't know?


Well I have assumed it due to the fact his best guy friend didn't know and I do not think it would have escalated so quickly if she knew. But I could be wrong. I just think it was shady for him to pursue me while deeply involved with someone else.

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Well I have assumed it due to the fact his best guy friend didn't know and I do not think it would have escalated so quickly if she knew. But I could be wrong. I just think it was shady for him to pursue me while deeply involved with someone else.


Lots of people see breaks as a time when they can behave as if they are single. Look up the old Friends episode about 'we were on a break!'.

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He didn't "pursue" you, he had sex with you. That's it....and then he left the building....and stayed gone.


I wouldn't worry about him any more.


Well I have assumed it due to the fact his best guy friend didn't know and I do not think it would have escalated so quickly if she knew. But I could be wrong. I just think it was shady for him to pursue me while deeply involved with someone else.
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I think I'm more angry that he did that to his gf and she has no idea


Why are you ignoring your part in all this? You basically had sex with a guy without bothering to know his real situation. The fact that he was able to hide this is just more proof that you let him move super fast with you. Part of slowing his roll would have been to delay getting into bed with him until you actually knew who you were sleeping with.

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Why are you ignoring your part in all this? You basically had sex with a guy without bothering to know his real situation. The fact that he was able to hide this is just more proof that you let him move super fast with you. Part of slowing his roll would have been to delay getting into bed with him until you actually knew who you were sleeping with.


Again this wasn't a one night stand, we knew each other for years. He pursued me for months, flirting, hanging out...

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Again this wasn't a one night stand, we knew each other for years. He pursued me for months, flirting, hanging out...


It was a one nite stand. Just not with a stranger.....and ^ said it best. You were a conquest. Now you are not. You are a hatch mark.

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It all makes total sense. He had a gf the whole time, knocked her up, meanwhile was grooming you for a fulfillment of some hard on he had for you when he was younger.

He knew all along he would be going back to the gf, probably was never even on a break - just arguing and she was pretending he wasn't fooling around with anyone bc she was pregnant and wanted to believe what she wanted to believe.

He left so fast bc he had to get back to her and covering his ass.

Next thing you know, engagement. Oh how lovely.


Cupcake, if you are really honest with yourself, what were hoping for from this guy?


Maybe that will help you feel better, if what you really wanted wasn't a relationship at all but just an ego boost? Is it wounded pride that is making you so angry?

He's a douche but you knew this was a fling situation, you knew he wasn't free to pursue anything real with you.

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