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Feeling bad, sad and grateful at the same time...


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I posted here about a week ago about being or feeling used by a guy that I know had wanted to get involved and us have an affair. I feel bad because I was rude to him on the phone and I don't like to be that way towards people. I feel I need to apologize to him again for that, however I know that what is done, is done and who's to say he would have apologized to me if the shoe was on the other foot...


I feel sad because it has been just shy of 2 weeks now and I have not heard anything from him at all. I guess maybe I was expecting a call to just chat and see how things are going in each others lives or something like that.(especially with Valentines day here).. But it has been nothing.


I am grateful that since that call never happened, that tells me he has moved on and I am no longer a person of interest in his life or of any importance.. This will in time help me move past this,, I hope.


This "thing" between us lasted probably less than 3 months. I like him alot, but I would rather be just a friend than a best kept secret.

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I don't want to be rude, so if what I am going to say comes off as mean, I apologize in advance.


My husband cheated on me with another married woman. It is absolutely devastating to have someone betray you like that. So with that said, why would you want to be involved with a married man? Why would you want to be "his best kept secret"? I really feel you need to just cut your losses and move on with your life. If he cheated on his wife, he'll cheat on you. Don't fool yourself into thinking its different with you.

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I don't want to be rude, so if what I am going to say comes off as mean, I apologize in advance.


My husband cheated on me with another married woman. It is absolutely devastating to have someone betray you like that. So with that said, why would you want to be involved with a married man? Why would you want to be "his best kept secret"? I really feel you need to just cut your losses and move on with your life. If he cheated on his wife, he'll cheat on you. Don't fool yourself into thinking its different with you.


You are not being rude and no apology necessary. Thank you for your comment..... My losses are cut.....

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