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What have I done


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I haven't been here in a few months, but I'm back. I've been broken up with my since Septmeber of last year. We tried to work it out in October only for her to say her feelings had changed. Of course we had the whole crazy fights with me chashing her, which eneded up with her blocking my number. I calmed down and got my self together and started dating. One day I was thjinking of her and sent her an email just telling her that I wanted her back but only after I had finished working on me. She took several days to respond. When she did she told me she was seeing someone and was taking things slow. I didn't freak out. I just said ok be happy and I love you and I understand. I delt with it. Well about a week passed by and she called me late at night drunk crying. She found out she had to have surgey. She wanted me to come get her, but she eventually said never mind I should have not called. Well a few more days passed and I sent her flowers to her job just to say I hope things are getting better for her. She didn't call she sent an email saying thanks. We kept it simple. We didn't talk for a few days and she out the blue txt me. Saying it was a shame how things ened with us and wish it could have been different. Ok here is where I just let out all of the emotions. I told her out right how I felt she even said that I was making her cry with the things I was saying. So now I'm thinking maybe we have a shot...............Valentines day I sent her flowers and we had lunch that day. It was nice we laughed just like old times.............I had a whole night planned for us and she said well let me see I had already had plans.....She txt me later that night and said she coudln't. I said ok. We had a few more txt through out the day me telling her how much I missed her and her again saying that I was making her cry telling her how much I loved her. Again I'm thinking we hacve a shot.......Now her whole attitude has changed. I ran into her last night at a bar, she was on a date and I was on a date as well. We didn't speak, she claims she didn't see me. We talked this morning and it's like she's done a 360. She says she done with us and just wants to move on. I'm ok with all that, but dang one minute you're tlling me you wish things could have been different now the next you don't even want to speak to me. Did I make a mistake by pouring out my heart to her. I still love her but ***

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Yeah, next time she comes around make sure you let her be the one to pour her heart out. It seems to me that THAT won't send you running away. Don't be so emotional with her. Now you're back to square one. She'll most likely return to you, but again, be confident and just let her be the one to pour her heart out.

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