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Issues with new boyfriend


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So I've been officially with my bf for a while now, but lately I have been suspicious of him still talking to his ex.


This all started when I thought I saw her name on his phone. When I looked back though(he was sitting beside me) it was gone. Could have been my mistake, being overly paranoid so I let it go.


Unfortunately, a friend of mine knows this ex a little bit. They went to the same HS, my friend was a senior when the ex was a freshman. She can see all her twitter posts/fb posts etc- but the ex doesnt know my friend is friends w me. My friend sent me a post from valentines day a few days ago. It didnt mention any names, but basically It insinuated that my bf had texted her saying happy v day, and asked what she was up to for the night. Sketchy.


Now, I'm stuck in a hard place. I tried to confront him but he says he never said anything to her since he and I started dating. I'm not sure I believe it. Any advice? Sorry for the hasty written post, I'm just very upset and wondering what to do! I know some people don't think it's bad, but he chastises me for even texting a guy, let alone an ex

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It sounds like there isn't enough trust between either of you to be in a healthy relationship. You are upset at the thought of here just talking to his ex. So what if he's still texting her? With the way you are reacting, I don't think I would tell you either. And it's the same, vice versa. He gets upset when you talk to other guys. I don't think your relationship can continue on like this. Trust is the most important key, and obviously there is none between you two.

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I'm having trouble with my boyfriend and his ex wife as well. He would even show me the texts they would exchange and they talk on the phone every morning on the way to work. I have had to dig deep and just accept it. He chooses to be with me and I have to be happy with that. I guess once the trust starts to crumble that is the beginning of the end of a healthy relationship. If he's hiding something he doesn't deserve you, just try to be as open and honest as you can. Insinuation is just playing into your paranoia, don't let that happen.

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