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What should i do?


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so basically, i have been in love with this girl since the first time i ever spoke to her (9th grade) we are now both approaching the end of our senior year in high school. Up until now we were just friends but never really hung out or talked outside of school (really bothered me) but a few weeks ago we started talking more and started hanging out on the weekends. I began to get more flirty with her and at first she wasnt too interested but became more and more so as time went on. 2 weeks ago, we were at a superbowl party and we totally hit it off, she sat on my lap, held my hand etc. we made out in front of 20 or so people that night which is totally out of character for her. she snuck me in her house later that night where we cuddled on the couch, i kissed her neck, made out etc till 4am. our relationship is super low key, and not too many people know about it. She is very shy about the whole relationship thing and we act as though we are just friends when we are at school. She says she wants to move slowly and play things by ear which is totally fine with me. Lacrosse season has started for me so since that night, the both of us have been too busy to hang out again which is starting to irritate me. i Bought her flowers, chocolate and even wrote her a poem for valentines day which she loved, but the next day at school acted like nothing even happened. i understand this is because she doesnt like when other people know her business but it still bothered me nonetheless. She says she isnt 100% sure how she feels but wants to hangout so we can talk about it and find out if this is the right thing for both of us. Maybe im just paranoid but she has never had a real boyfriend before and has a slight reputation for being a tease and a girl who leads guys on. I already talked to her about this and told her that i dont play games like that and i want her to be straightforward with me, she says she wants to do that to and as much as i want to believe her, i cant help but have suspicions. What should I do?

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You need to talk to her and find out what she wants, don't listen to rumours give her chance to say what she feels.please don't have a relationship in secret unless you are comfortable with it. How you feel is important and don't do things just to keep her. You sound like a lovely loyal guy she needs to recognise that.good luck and let me know how it works out x

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