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I met a wonderful guy approximately a month ago, we chatted for several hours at the restaurant upon him approaching my friend and I, and it was at that point he gave me his number. I took his number, texted him shortly after leaving so that he had mine. After talking, we arranged to meet, we opted for dinner and dessert, to which he insisted he pay. Ever since the first date, we have talked daily, from teasing, to serious conversation. We arranged to meet up again, to which we did a dine in/movie night. The chemistry between us is something I have never before experienced. I know he too feels it as he randomly stated "I can't believe we met just one month ago, feels like I've known you so much longer". I catch him looking at me randomly, and he has stated the attraction to not only my looks but my intelligence and personality. What I enjoy is that we can go from a serious conversation to joking, which is rare now a days, in addition to his honesty.



Here is where the conflicted me comes in. He has been separated from his wife for three years, living apart and now the divorce will be finalized within the next month. He has two children, which are both younger. He has stated that he is seeking counseling to overcome this divorce and emotions he is experiencing due to this time in his life. I like him, fairly certain he shares that feeling. He's not looking for a relationship at this time, nor am I at this time because it wouldn't work long term and wouldn't be fair to the both of us. We have both talked to realize when we date, we date someone whom we see the long term potential with. We actually decided to approach the topic to see where we stood in more depth, because we both find one another nice enough people that are above mind games. He said he sees potential from the dates we've had, as do I. I'm a firm believer in being friends no matter the relationship, because you must have a solid foundation at which to begin.


I'm torn, do I run? Do I stay friends? (By friends there is no benefits, beyond kissing, or cuddling included in this, for I am not that type of woman, which I have alerted him to). I have no children, never been married, the only reason I'm even considering this is because of the connection, I can be myself around someone I met so quickly, that to me says something, but I'm also human and realize I may be blinded in this moment.


Thoughts are much appreciated.

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