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fluid feeling In lungs

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For the last few years it has felt like fluid in my throat as I'm falling asleep, this only occurred from October- January. This year it didn't start till November and has progressed to the lungs. It feels like my lungs are swimming in water. I just talked to my Dr. In January about this feeling, he said it sounds like you have been exposed to mold. The home i lived in for the past 10 years had a mold problem around the window seal do to moisture build up. In September of 2012 o moved, no mold but still the same problem. I'm tired of coughing and feeling like fluid in my lungs and throat. It has caused me to be distant from family. I have tried anti inflammatory meds i have used cough droups, cough syrup w/ codine , even drinking hot tea. I hate feeling like this has anybody found anything to relieve this. Help im drowning....

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If you do have pneumonia, you'll have to be treated right away! Did your doc listen to your lungs or suggest any treatment?


I would not try to treat this with a home remedy as I worked in the oxygen industry for two years and had many clients who had to use supplemental oxygen due to lung infections. It's life threatening and should be addressed by a doctor or hospital.

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