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Gets me something, doesnt want to hang out?


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So there is a girl I am talking to. She likes me a lot and I like her, but shes done something that has confused me. She bought me a box of choclates (I didnt get her anything because I didnt want to seem too clingy since this is still new) and I asked if she wanted to hang out tonight and she said no. There are other little things, but this is the main action that I am curious about.

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Well the reason she told me is because she has to write a paper. But not two days ago I was over at her place helping her with said paper. I understand that maybe she just wants to write by herself tonight, but Im doubting that as there is another friend of ours that she hangs out with solo a lot. She tells me she doesnt like him like that, but they still hang out a lot.

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Its funny when you first start talking to someone. It's so fragile and there are so many if, ands, or buts.... Maybe she is hanging with someone else tonight....maybe she has to finish the paper. In the grand scheme of things, I don't think it matters.... valentine's day does not have to mean all romance all day long. Especially when it's new. She acknowledged it, so that's cool. Maybe she was feeling a little pressure since she got you something and you didn't get her anything, so she decided it would be better to step back. Again, that can be remedied. Just be sure to ask her out again soon and maybe bring her a flower or a little gesture.... Not a big valentine bouquet or anything crazy. Maybe just a little something like a cupcake or the coffee she likes. You know, a little gesture just for the sake of it, is fun and sweet. It goes a long way to smoothing the bumps along the way.


I wouldn't read too much into it.

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Ok, im absolutely horrible at this stuff and I just found it weird when this string of event occurred. If I had known getting her something wouldnt have scared her away I woulda got something, but I wasnt sure so I just took the safe road beacuse I assumed she wasnt going to be getting me anything. Im not expecting romance at all I just figured we could hang out and work on the paper together.

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Again, that's what makes the beginning so difficult. You don't know what is expected and you don't want to come on too strong-- that's the total kiss of death, right? I say just go with your gut. Sometimes these defined holidays, just make it so much harder!

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