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Should I Give My Imagine A Dramatic Re-Haul?


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This may seem like a really shallow question, but recently I've been thinking I could just do with a few alterations to my appearance and I'd feel so much happier.


I have straight, white teeth, but they have a gap in the middle. I went to a dentist to get a consulation and they can close this with two caps.


Should I do this?


I feel like it would improve my self esteem greatly and make me look so much better? Everyones told me no, but I feel like they're just being polite.


Also, I've had the urge to get a completely new hair style and loose a few pounds I gained over the last two years, maybe start exercising and get a few new outfits in my wardrobe.


I'm 23, 5 foot 4" and 7 stone 12. I'm not over weight by any means and I'd like to think I'm not ugly either, although I am prone to being very insecure. I used to do a bit of alternative modelling. I'm a natural redhead with pale white skin.


I have good days and bad days, but I always feel like I could improve with these adjustments.


Is this vain? Should I do it even though everyones saying no you're crazy?


Cheers for the guidence!

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Yes, you should definitely do all these things. It won't hurt and it may help.


You'd be amazed how differently attractive people are treated in tiny little ways. Having a great smile and losing a few pounds makes a HUGE difference. You should just do it, and not ask your friends' opinions. They are just being polite.

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To be honest, I don't see it as shallow...it's you wanting to find yourself. There is nothing wrong with getting a new hair style...heck I feel good after I get a trim! haha


Have fun, get out there and find yourself. The improvement's you are talking about are not major surgery like a nose job etc, they are minor things that you feel would help you be more comfortable in life. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that!!


If you feel this would help then do it!! It is your life and your body, it's yours to do with what you please.

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If it's going to make YOU feel happy and you can afford it, then do it

The new confidence will reflect when you head out the door, if you feel positive in yourself good things will come your way. Notice how a fresh haircut can re energize you or completely change the way you look? Whatever it is, studying, painting, getting a new dress if if makes you feel good, then treat yourself.

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