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Help progressing with a LD girl


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A long distance girl and I have been talking quite a bit recently, but I'm unsure as to how to take things further. We met online some time ago, but didn't talk much at all. Still, she liked just about everything I posted on FB, and would occasionally leave cutesie comments. In the past couple of months we have been talking much more. We text now, and judging by some of the things she says I can tell that she's into me. I do tend to engage her a bit more than her I, but she is always very receptive. On my end, I'm wondering how to take things further without scaring her off. We do have an arrangement to meet next month, but we've tried in the past and it always fell through. Distance isn't a huge concern here, as we only live a couple of hours apart. Regardless, how can I move further without saying "hey, I'm into you?" Any advice?

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Well, it's more so that I'd like to talk to her more and get to know her better. I feel like I've built up an online mystery about myself to her, but I'd like to break that and let us get closer. I'm afraid that if I start saying "so tell me more about yourself" I'll push her away. It's been quite awhile since I've been in this type of situation, so I want to handle it cautiously.

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I've been thinking of maybe jumping the gun and getting into a discussion about "us" so to speak. Maybe ask about how she feels about me attraction-wise. She has already said she feels like we've known each other for a long time. Maybe it's time that I say that I'm into her, or should I still hold off? I don't want to wait a couple more weeks!

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I would not say anything until you actiually meet. You will ruin it if you say something before you meet. You can tell her after or during the conversation IF YOU DO LIKE HER , you can say something like 'you seem pretty cool and interesting'. No need to go overboard and say 'i'm really into you etc...

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