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Blocking/unfriending someone on facebook isn't really a big deal. You can still facebook stalk their page (oh wait I shouldn't give that secret away.....)


I have gone through every facebook stage with my ex. The instant the breakup happened I changed status of course. Which kind of irritated me because she was the one that pushed so hard to update our status in the first place when I wanted to wait a while until we were more serious. (Actually now that I recall, I think I told her NO and she did it behind my back. Ah how clear the signs are now lol) Then there was unsubbing. But that wasn't enough, so blocking. Then, I was ready to be friends again, so refriending. She confirmed the refriend request in like 2 minutes after I made it. Then trying to actually engage with her on facebook in a casual way. After a while, I realized how one sided all of my activity was. I'm liking her posts and she NEVER likes mine? I KNOW I am posting things she would be interested in. Unsub again, and no more free 'likes' from me. But I haven't blocked her again because I don't think I need to.


So really, I guess my point is, it's just as easy to refriend as it is to block. And if he doesn't accept it, you know it's over and can have some closure.


Oh, and also, always remember facebook is not real life.

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That right there is my main motivation for keeping him around. My angry side really wants him to see what he threw away. If he doesn't need me, then I don't need him. I've made it through the day so far so good. I got on today just to look at a post of someone my friend dislikes very much (she told me to go look) I noticed he was active and felt my heart drop a little, but I got off and have been trucking along since. I've explained to a lot of my friends that I will not be on as often. They understand and respect it so, you know...it is what it is.


Totally get it. If by 'active' you mean he appears in your chat log, you can right click and remove him - it's not blocking, it's just making it so you can't see him. I did that as well. Scrubbing his presence helped me a lot and I didn't have to unfriend or block him to do it.

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lol. You are all awesome (I am in a really good mood today)


We actually tried to be friends for a while, like actually hanging out and what not. That got way to emotional for me and I have taken a break after flipping out on him this weekend. I just can't be his friend right now. He and I actually were in a really good place prior to that. He'd post things on my wall, I'd comment on his posts, etc. I think that we could one day be really good friends, but right now I'm just not ready for it. I love that idiot.


For now, I'll just steer clear of Facebook until I get my emotions in order and get a little time behind us.

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Facebook is the bane of my life at the moment. My ex deleted me from facebook after the breakup and I ended up stalking her and the new boyfriend as we have mutual friends some items come up for friends of friends. Really not worth the pain to be honest, seeing them together and being happy rocked be every time and destroyed me. Everytime she didn't like a comment or photo he put up I get false hope things are not going well and other useless pitiful emotions. I deleted all mutual friends and deactivated my account on valentines day because I was setting myself up for failure. I am weak at times so if I ever decide that I want to stalk facebook again I won't see anything. Just need to hope I never see her in real life again as thats one hurdle that will trip me up for sure.

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Thank god my ex and I were not facebook friends, it made things simpler. However yesterday (on valentines day) LinkedIn sent me an email and I saw that my ex had some activity. It annoyed me, but I'm over it now. I don't ever post on LinkedIn and never check it, so I've not bothered to remove my ex from there.


Social networking really makes relationships more complicated sometimes, sigh.

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