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Unhappy relationship and bf jut won't do anything about it. Feel stuck :(

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Hallo, I'm new here because I feel stuck in my situation and dont know what to do. I met my bf 3 years ago, he was nice and sweet and "into me". 3 years later now we have lots of problems... I brought 2 kids Ito this relationship and we had another one 1.5 years ago. He is a good father to his daughter a bit stricter with my boys. The whole 3 years we were arguing about many things. First he "chatted" with his exes and didn't see anything wrong with it. Even slept on a coach with a friend of outs while I was gone to see my friends in another city. I know nothing happened between them but still. Every time we fight he just won't do anything about it... It always my fault. He knows how I feel and how hurt I am but he won't do anything to make me "happy". Sometimes a brings me flowers but that only last for a day and then we are back to the old. I find he doesn't care about I we are happy or not. I know he isn't cheating.. He just doesn't care about me or us or I don't know. He comes home and ******* every day about something and that turns me off right away. I'm in bad mood every day because I just can find that happiness. I don't know what to do. I don't want to leave because I already had to leave my dirt husband who cheated on me twice so i don't wanna do this to my kids and family again. My kids are only 8,6 and 1.5. I feel stuck. I tried to change things and be happy but I just can't anymore. I'm done fighting for our relationship and hat wish he would finally realize he needs to do something to save this. We just don't have a happy relationship anymore and I'm sure he sees that too but doesn't do anything to change it. He never puts a smile on my face, never makes me laugh. I know what the right answer is and I should just leave him but I feel like I can't. Anybody been in this situation or can give any advise? I don't know what to do anymore. I know he won't go to counseling because it's expensive and we live outside of the city so it's hard to make time to drive in an find somebody to watch the kids. I just don't wanna live my life miserable anymore and that's all what my days are about thinking about how unhappy I am. I'm in a ok mood all day till I see him and then as soon as I see that he doesn't care about my feelings or happiness and ******* I is just careless I get very sad and won't talk to him. U don't know how to get out of this anymore. Please give me some advise! Thanks for readig

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Thanks for your reply. Like I said I stopped fighting for our relationship so there is not much fighting between us Im just silent now and don't say anything and take it all in. When he gave me a reason to fight it was when the kids were in bed. We never had a fight when they were around. So

It's all good Nobody knows what's going on. We don't talk about our problems to family and friends. It's just between us. Like I said he just doesn't care or doesn't put any effort in making this a happy relationship. It's me who is unhappy with it and don't know hat to do because I don't wanna dissapointed my kids and family again. I just feel stuck and don't know how to get his "love" back.

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