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Could this be even possible ?

Shocked guy 43

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So everyone, I won't bore you all with details of my previous posts, hence to say my girlfriend cheated and it took me six months to get the truth that she had slept with OM.


Maybe it's because of all the lies we are now splitting up, but I just want some sanity after all the trickle truth from her.


She claims that after 18 hours of alcohol at the wedding where she cheated on me, this OM was able to ejaculate through masturbation, have hard fast sex and ejaculate, then be up for a third go before she panicked and stopped it, all within fifty mins? Really? OMG I feel so inadequate!! How many guys of late thirties could do that?


Also here's a question for the women on this forum. How many of you could go to bed with a guy, do all that without knowing anything about the guy!!???

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No. It didn't take her that long before she "panicked and stopped it." People know what they're doing. She can't be on Round 3 and THEN realize it's a mistake and panic. I don't buy it. I get that people sometimes take a while before coming to their senses (I was watching an episode of "Unfaithful" yesterday where this woman was carrying on an affair with this other guy behind her husband's back for MONTHS, when she called out her hubby's name in the middle. THAT's what made her realize she didn't want it) but you can't be wrapped too tight if...


Look. I don't get it, but I won't judge. Reason being, I don't know how these people. But in MY mind, you know you're doing wrong right away.


What exactly is your question here? Or did you just want to ask the women if they'd ever sex a guy they didn't know? The answer is yes. Some can.

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So everyone, I won't bore you all with details of my previous posts, hence to say my girlfriend cheated and it took me six months to get the truth that she had slept with OM.


Maybe it's because of all the lies we are now splitting up, but I just want some sanity after all the trickle truth from her.


She claims that after 18 hours of alcohol at the wedding where she cheated on me, this OM was able to ejaculate through masturbation, have hard fast sex and ejaculate, then be up for a third go before she panicked and stopped it, all within fifty mins? Really? OMG I feel so inadequate!! How many guys of late thirties could do that?


Don't know really. But I feel Viagra/Cialis was involved.

Also here's a question for the women on this forum. How many of you could go to bed with a guy, do all that without knowing anything about the guy!!???

Don't know about this either. I have to have feelings for the guy and then have sex with him.


I don't think you should over-analyze any of this. It will only damage your self-esteem. You should be with a loyal woman not with a woman like your gf.


You should be glad she left. Good riddance.

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Don't know really. But I feel Viagra/Cialis was involved.


Don't know about this either. I have to have feelings for the guy and then have sex with him.


I don't think you should over-analyze any of this. It will only damage your self-esteem. You should be with a loyal woman not with a woman like your gf.


You should be glad she left. Good riddance.


Thank you for responses so far. I suppose my questions are to just regain my sanity that I was right. One question was just because I do not believe someone could ejaculate twice and be ready for third in such short space of time after 18 hours drinking. The other question was to ascertain what type of woman she is?

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